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Subject: Me's no liein'...

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Date Posted: 10:23:01 05/21/02 Tue
In reply to: Jewel 's message, "~Her eye twitched, so angry.~" on 20:48:40 05/18/02 Sat

Go check in the Sneakin' Ridge. I told them to let Seramo go. Then Ossie started tellin' me how what I did was right. He said that because I was evil, I should keep on doing those types of acts. I's no being liein'.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~She bends down to be face to face with Druid, then nods.~

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Date Posted: 17:08:30 05/26/02 Sun

Druid, I trust you. I just went over there to check it out. Thank you for telling the truth. But this horrible situation is long forgotten, I think. Seramo and his daughter probably are still steamed up about it, but I doubt we will be seeing them again for a while. I am forgiving you for what you have done, although I realize that you should not have done what Ossie told you to do. I am upset that you didn't know what was right, but I think you do now. After all you've been through as a result of all this, you have had enough punishment. I even believe that you have been tortured, everyone talking behind your back about your actions. But you are now forgiven. And if anyone still holds a grudge on you in this TT or in any others, come to me, and I will straighten them out. I do believe that you have a heart, Druid. A large one at that.
~She takes him into her arms, embracing him for the first time after she had adopted him. She was so glad to have him back.~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *smiles* *small tear forms*

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Date Posted: 12:21:21 05/27/02 Mon

You are very poetic mommy. I love you. I am sorry I let you down. I will never do it again. *smiles* *a small tear runs down his face*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~She takes him in her arms again.~

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Date Posted: 13:05:06 05/27/02 Mon

~And fighting back the tears, she pushes out a small laugh.~
Poetic! Thank you.
~She continued...~
Druid, I love you too. More than anything. And don't think that you ever let me down. It's over and done with now, and you should never lose anymore sleep or tears over it again, okay? Let's be a family now. No more problems.
~She squeezes him tight, knowing that he probably didn't enjoy it, but she sure did.~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *kisses his mother*

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Date Posted: 17:50:37 05/28/02 Tue

*jumps up on a rock* to be level with jewel. *leans over and kisses her on the cheek* *smiles at her*

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