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Subject: €gg

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Date Posted: 20:19:41 08/14/02 Wed

The opal blue egg shudders slightly, show ing it's excitement to hatch, and live. A line cuts through the egg, seperating it into two perfect half. You look into the first half and see the light opal blue hatchling. She looks up at you and blinks, diamond like eyes glowing srangely. She hiccups and blinks. Then you look to the other half. You retort in surprise an dyour gaze flees back to the diamond eyes hatchling. Two, but how could this be? The other yawns and opens her eyes. Emerald greem gems seem to stare out at you and she blinks. She wrinkles her nose suddenly and sneeze, knocking herself backwards. Righting herself, she blink with her large green eyes, rather confused. The she looks to her mirror image and jumps. Eyeing each other suspisiously, they both look to you, and blink, one diamond eyed, the other emerald eyes. Other than their eyes, the two are identical...

Name- ???
Nickname- ???
Age- New born
Gender- Femme
Breed- Unknown
Aligian- Dark
Scale Color- A light opal blue
Scale Design(?)- None
Wing Color(s)- Silver
Wing Type- 3-digit
Wing Design(?)- Scattered scales of black and opal blue all along her wing face
Eye Color- Diamond
Body Type- A rather slender dragoness, very beautiful. The Beauty.
Nail/teeth coloration- Silver
Distinctive Marking- Two silver unicorn like horns on her forehead.
Encrusted Marks(?)- None

Name- ???
Nickname- ???
Age- New Born
Gender- Femme
Breed- Unknown
Aligian- Dark
Scale Color- A light opal blue
Scale Design(?)- None
Wing Color(s)- Silver
Wing Type- 3-digit
Wing Design(?)- Scattered scales of black and opal blue all along her wing face
Eye Color- Emerald Green
Body Type- A rather slender dragoness, very beautiful. The Beauty.
Nail/teeth coloration- Silver
Distinctive Marking- Two silver unicorn like horns on her forehead.
Encrusted Marks(?)- None

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[> Subject: ~She enters the cave with a bundle of meat for the night's meal.~

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Date Posted: 21:11:24 08/14/02 Wed

~But she suddenly drops it when she sees her two new hatchlings. She had no idea that she would have twins! She let out a small noise, she was overjoyed. She rushed over to the two and scooped them up, one in each arm. She smiles at them, and feeds them some meat, just in case they were hungry. She tries to remember the name she had picked out in all of this excitement. She suddenly remembers that she now has two female names to pick out! She runs over in her mind the names she liked the best.
Turning to the opal blue hatchling, she says,~ You, my dearest, will be named Levlynn. It means Fierce Flower.
~She then turns to her second hatchling and dubs her,~ Leila. You will be Leila. It means Dark Beauty.
~She smiles at them again, continuing to feed them. How happy Druid and Keaira will be when they meet their new sisters. She suddenly remembers to tell Levlynn and Leila about their siblings. She knew they wouldn't really understand, but she decided to say it anyhow.~
And you have a brother, and a sister. Your brother's name is Druid, and your sister's name is Keaira. She's a newborn like you two, only a bit older.
~She smiles again, she couldn't hide her happiness.~

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[> [> Subject: +Blinks+

Levlynn & Leila
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Date Posted: 22:05:51 08/14/02 Wed

The diamond eyed Levlynn quickly takes the meat, sucking on it happily. She blinks as her mother speaks, clearly not understandingbut happy all the same. She trills softly and her eyes close slowly. Head droops and she sleeps in her mothers arms...

The other, emerald eyed femme, Leila, gently sucks on the meat and listens attentively as her sister did not. Even though she did not understand, she wished to. Twisting her light opal blue head around, she surveys her home. Satisfied, she licks her mothers hand. Fluttering silver sings gently, she yawns. Silver daggers are iluminated with light just before her jaw snaps shut. Still soft silver claws bump up against her mothers hide. As her head droops as her sisters did, the beginnings of wo silver horns can be seen. She will be a beauty...

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[> [> [> Subject: Waddles over to see her baby sisters.

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Date Posted: 06:38:10 08/15/02 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Subject: ~Smiles.~

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Date Posted: 08:03:00 08/15/02 Thu

~She smiles down at her two new daughters, and then looks down at Keaira. Wishing she had a free arm to hold her in, she kneels to be face to face with her daughter.~
My, look at you! Your first "waddle." I'm very proud. Would you like to meet your sisters?
~She whispers this, being sure not to awaken them. She motions to the one on the left.~ Here is Levlynn. And this one, ~She motions to the hatchling in her right arm,~ Is Leila. Are you pleased about this, Keaira?
~She knew that Keaira could hardly understand her words either, but she would talk to her anyway.~

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