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Subject: ~She too develops tears in her eyes.~

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Date Posted: 13:34:48 08/23/02 Fri
In reply to: Diamond 's message, ""Oh Jewel, he's never coming back is he?" *Tears form in her eyes* "And it's all my fault, I never should have come back, I was gone too long..."" on 16:42:45 08/22/02 Thu

Please, Diamond. Don't blame it on yourself. It's my own fault for turning him down. That's what sent him packing. He'd still be here if not for my own insecurities and faults. I'm sorry Diamond. Maybe he will return.
~She sits down and puts her head in her hands. She knew that she shouldn't have turned him down so suddenly.~

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Date Posted: 16:07:20 08/23/02 Fri

"No, if you hadn't of turned him down it wouldn't have mattered if I came back or not because you two would be mates and that would hurt me even more." *Tears are now flowing freely down her face* "I love you both, and sometimes that's what hurts me."

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Date Posted: 10:53:55 08/24/02 Sat

~She decides that she needs to be strong for them both now.~
Diamond, lets not blame this on anyone. It was his choice to leave. I never kicked him out. I just made him listen to reason. And you never meant to leave either. He left first, remember? A long time ago, and you missed him. Then you left. It's his life, Diamond, and he chose to leave two important members of his family behind.
~She takes a deep breath.~
And we can't go around thinking that he'll never be back, ever again. There is no guarantee that he'll be back, but there's no guarantee that he left for good either. We need to stop being so blind, Diamond, and open our eyes to both sides of our problem.

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Date Posted: 17:29:36 08/30/02 Fri

"You're right," *Sniffs*

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