Subject: ~She sighs.~ |
Author: Jewel
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Date Posted: 19:18:17 08/25/02 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "|| Blackness Surrenders ||" on 18:13:31 08/25/02 Sun
~She could see the pain on his face. She was very happy that they were together again, but she had wished that Maxximus had listened to reason in the first place, and not take it like he did. She was disappointed that he couldn't see the logic in her words. She decided to speak up while he was there. Her voice gentle, she begins.~
Maxximus, I'm sorry if what I said hurt you in any way, but what you don't know is that you hurt me even more than I ever hurt you. Your feelings toward me were not real. You convinced yourself to like me just because I was there. And imagine if I played along with your emotions. Imagine where we would be if Diamond came back and we were mates. Do you see where I'm going here? She would be hurt and betrayed, and I know that she would lose respect for the both of us.
~She stops and thinks of what she is saying before she continues.~
I'm not saying this just because of your false feelings. The main reason why I wanted to say something to you is because of how you took the reason I gave you for not loving you "that way." You wouldn't understand. You should have understood. I thought that you, of all dragons, would understand because of your love you had for Diamond when you were together before. It was so wrong for you to like me that way, that I could hardly believe it was real. You can't say now that you're hurt by these words because if you had listened to reason in the first place none of this would have happened. You should be grateful that Diamond came home. You won't be lonely now.
~She, feeling used and misunderstood, took her leave to the rear of the lair, sitting at the table, watching her daughters playing on the floor. She was very unhappy at the moment. She should be rejoycing with Diamond, Maxximus, Keaira, Levlynn, Leila, and Fiona right now for Diamond's return. But now that this whole situation has arisen, she feels like being alone with her daughters.~
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