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Subject: Okay, Everyone who lives & visits here, inside!

Caitlin & Jewel
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Date Posted: 18:05:48 09/04/02 Wed

This place has gotten pathetically inactive.

-:-To my daughters...-:-
Keaira, Levlynn, Leila, and Fiona, I have somehting to tell you. Since your older brother Druid has left home, everything has gone to the pits. I know that some of you might not even know Druid, but that's okay. It's beside the point. The point is, you're inactive. Leila & Levlynn are the most active out of all of you. Keaira, you are least active of all. I haven't seen Keaira on here for the longest time. Hey, gurls! It's not that bad in here! You've got a mommy dragon who cares for you! You have a great, [yet outdated,] lair! You have an excellent TT to live in! I have had this character, Jewel, for over a year now. She has always been pretty damn active if I do say so myself. And I had to make sure of that. Even when she didn't have many others to be with, she stuck it out.
And another thing, as you all probably know already, I had four hatchlings before you all. Their names were Gravity of Love, White Ripple, Sulfur, and Cinder. All got drastically inactive, and dropped off the face of the earth, so to speak. So I have been abandoned before, and it ain't pretty. I was really upset when I realized that my babies were never coming back again. I don't want that to happen with you all.

-:-Diamond and Maxximus-:-
I know that Diamond will be inactive because of school, her player is one of my friends and she told me beforehand. Many times. But Maxximus, I don't know what's up with you. I have some really important things to talk with you about, and you're not even here to hear them. And poor Diamond was left in the dust because of your inactivity. You are on here every once in a while, I guess. Like every 10 days or so. But that ain't gonna cut it.
I log onto Diablo Isle every single day, and come in this very lair to check for new posts every single day, and do I see any? Nope. Not from anyone or anything.

Please just get active, that's all I want.

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[> Subject: Re: Okay, Everyone who lives & visits here, inside!

Fiona's playa Marie
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Date Posted: 15:48:34 09/05/02 Thu

Hi! Well, actually I have school. It's been hectic cause I'm not exactly the world's best test taker so I've had to study and all. But right now Fiona's just sleeping. I log in almost everyday to see if something major's come up and all, but I don't post when I don't got time. So please excuse the newbie sleeping Fiona! I don't actually mean to make her inactive, it just happens?

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[> [> Subject: Okay.

Jewel & Player, Caitlin
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Date Posted: 14:55:12 09/06/02 Fri

Yeah, I get your point. I have school too. I'm a freshman this year and it isn't just a walk in the park. I've actually had a rough start with bad classes and getting lost and all. Sooo, I get it. What grade are you in, Marie?

Oh, and I like your name. It's my middle name. :o)


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Okay.

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Date Posted: 17:31:52 09/06/02 Fri

Uck, you're a freshie! Just kidding. I'm Sophomore. Marie is my middle name too!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: +Weird look plays onto face+

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Date Posted: 18:48:53 09/06/02 Fri

Wuts your first name then? Both your names are Marie?

Oh yeah, the sophomores at my school have that attitude too. Ya'll think you're so cool, you were just freshmen last year! Shut UP already! J/k.

Well I don't really like high school that much anyway. Not yet. I guess I'll get used to it.

I don't mean to be forward or anything, but where do you live? In the U.S? I know lots of ppl on here from different countries. I'm from Massachusetts myself.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: +Weird look plays onto face+

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Date Posted: 16:07:26 09/07/02 Sat

Nah, I decided to use my middle, it sounds much cooler. I've never understood why freshmen are always looked down at y'know? Except for feshmen backpacks, the ones that stick out five feet behind them. Irritating. I like my high school much more than my middle/junior high. Bigger and more intresting people. Plus the APs couldn't care less about dress code! I don't know where most people come from on here, I come from Florida though. WAY too hot!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Ah yes

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Date Posted: 17:03:56 09/07/02 Sat

I like my middle name better than my first as well...

And even though I've only been in high school for about four days, I have decided that I miss middle school very much. But I will adjust to high school, I'm sure I'll come to adore it. And what about the backpacks? Are the freshmen the only ones with backpacks that jut out about 282397848238994 yards behind them? Mine does. Too much homework.

I always seem to be making friends with lots of people who play characters on this site, so what I do is get their AIMs and talk to them, and ya know, chat about stuff. So I know lots of ppl from the UK and Australia and stuff. Most that I know live in the US though.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Ah yes

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Date Posted: 09:27:35 09/08/02 Sun

Only 4 days of high school? Of school altogether? Lucky, I've been in for 4 weeks! Usuallt it's only the freshmen, all other classes learn how to carry what they need in their arms and in a purse. I did, I had to. My bookbag was killing me.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Yep

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Date Posted: 02:52:21 09/09/02 Mon

I started September 3rd. But then you must get out wicked early then for the summer. We get out around June 16th, give or take a couple days.
Yeah, my backpack is killing me too. But I'm not too partial to carrying a purse around with me. I guess that'll change once I realize that 4 years of that will break my back all together.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Uhhhhhhh

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Date Posted: 18:40:49 09/09/02 Mon

I got out around the end of May. I think they want us to transfer into all-year school. Weird peoples...
I never wanted to carry around a purse either, but they come in more styles than bookbags. And I know exactly what I have with me. With my bookbag I always had to do a mental check list. Not fun. It didn't help that two years ago my middle school came out with a no bookbag rule :( My locker was no where half my classes. Yuck.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Yeah

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Date Posted: 14:14:06 09/10/02 Tue

You're lucky that you get out at the end of May, but it definitely wouldn't be too good to have to go to school all year round. You'll get lots of little vacations year round though. But it would be torture to have to sit through June, July, and all of August in school. I thought it was bad here in New England, but in Florida... That would be ridiculous.
And we're not allowed to bring backpacks into class. Although I'm not in too much of a bad situation because my locker is right in the middle of all my classes, so I don't have to travel a village mile to get to my locker at least.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Yeah

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Date Posted: 16:39:59 09/10/02 Tue

>You're lucky that you get out at the end of May, but
>it definitely wouldn't be too good to have to go to
>school all year round. You'll get lots of little
>vacations year round though. But it would be torture
>to have to sit through June, July, and all of August
>in school. I thought it was bad here in New England,
>but in Florida... That would be ridiculous.
>And we're not allowed to bring backpacks into class.
>Although I'm not in too much of a bad situation
>because my locker is right in the middle of all my
>classes, so I don't have to travel a village mile to
>get to my locker at least.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: BUmbo dumbo computer

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Date Posted: 16:41:44 09/10/02 Tue

Village mile? hmmm. I have to go cross-school 2-3 times a day. But over in the West, like Nevada, they already have year-round school! I don't think it'll happen for a while, but it'd be seriously creepy.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: LoL

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Date Posted: 17:16:23 09/11/02 Wed

Village mile - it's an expression.
Well, that's in the west. Every state is different, as is every school. Our schools haven't been considering year-round schooling too much. I've heard a few things, but it's not too big up here. My teacher was discussing it with the class one day and she said, "Year-round school systems? Can you all just see me standing on top of the high school, begging someone to shove me off? God, what are they thinking?!" So I know that many teachers are against it, and students would be in an uproar if it ever happened. Sooo, I don't think it'll be happening around here too soon.
Creepy, yes. Tiring, yes. It just wouldn't be good.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Agreed.

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Date Posted: 13:49:00 09/13/02 Fri

Half my teachers are already sick of school. All the students totally are.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :o)

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Date Posted: 17:29:17 09/14/02 Sat

Yep, that's the way it works.

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