Subject: Okay, Everyone who lives & visits here, inside! |
Author: Caitlin & Jewel
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Date Posted: 18:05:48 09/04/02 Wed
This place has gotten pathetically inactive.
-:-To my daughters...-:-
Keaira, Levlynn, Leila, and Fiona, I have somehting to tell you. Since your older brother Druid has left home, everything has gone to the pits. I know that some of you might not even know Druid, but that's okay. It's beside the point. The point is, you're inactive. Leila & Levlynn are the most active out of all of you. Keaira, you are least active of all. I haven't seen Keaira on here for the longest time. Hey, gurls! It's not that bad in here! You've got a mommy dragon who cares for you! You have a great, [yet outdated,] lair! You have an excellent TT to live in! I have had this character, Jewel, for over a year now. She has always been pretty damn active if I do say so myself. And I had to make sure of that. Even when she didn't have many others to be with, she stuck it out.
And another thing, as you all probably know already, I had four hatchlings before you all. Their names were Gravity of Love, White Ripple, Sulfur, and Cinder. All got drastically inactive, and dropped off the face of the earth, so to speak. So I have been abandoned before, and it ain't pretty. I was really upset when I realized that my babies were never coming back again. I don't want that to happen with you all.
-:-Diamond and Maxximus-:-
I know that Diamond will be inactive because of school, her player is one of my friends and she told me beforehand. Many times. But Maxximus, I don't know what's up with you. I have some really important things to talk with you about, and you're not even here to hear them. And poor Diamond was left in the dust because of your inactivity. You are on here every once in a while, I guess. Like every 10 days or so. But that ain't gonna cut it.
I log onto Diablo Isle every single day, and come in this very lair to check for new posts every single day, and do I see any? Nope. Not from anyone or anything.
Please just get active, that's all I want.
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