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Subject: ~She watches the visitor.~

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Date Posted: 14:02:12 11/27/02 Wed
In reply to: dragoness 's message, "the dragoness peers in" on 11:17:46 11/26/02 Tue

~Silently eyeing the visitor from the depths of her lair, she sighs and emerges from the shadows. Having heard what the dragoness called her, she stares at the visitor for a moment.~
Who are you?

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[> [> Subject: smiles as feeling of joy swells up inside of her

white dragoness
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Date Posted: 08:44:47 11/28/02 Thu

"mum, it is me white Ripple! I got lost during the war and have finaly found my way back, I have missed you so much!"

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[> [> [> Subject: ~Disbelief.~

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Date Posted: 08:58:05 11/29/02 Fri

~She eyed the dragoness carefully, noting all she remembered of her beloved daughter who had gone to help those in need so very long ago. She was quick to see that it was, indeed, her daughter and a smile made it's way onto her face for the first time in a very long while. She made her way to her daughter and embraced her tightly.~
Oh, Ripple, it is you. I have missed you more than you can believe. What happened in the war?
~She released her daughter, wishing that she could be happier. She, too, had so much to tell Ripple, but it would be difficult, on her part.~

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[> [> [> [> Subject: smiles excitedly

white ripple
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Date Posted: 11:16:08 11/29/02 Fri

she smiles ectaticly "oh mum, I was at sanadad, the healers, I wasd helping when some lights came over, one was very badly injured, I know you are a dark but I was born a light and I couldnt help myself ,I had to do something"she looked at her mother still smiling "Then before I knew it there was a light dragoness picking me up, I was still a hatchling then, she took me to her land, I tried to tell her that I had a family and i tried my hardest to escape but there were so many injured dragons there too ,I just had to stay. she wouldnt let me leave in case there was another war, but I finaly managed to escape one night, after I had been practising my flying for many months I plucked up my courage and remembering the route she took managed to get back here"she sighed "Oh mum I have missed you so much, I have been so worried about you cinder , gravity and sulphur especially during the war. I'm so glad to be back. where are the others"she looks up again at her mother "Oh mum Ive missed you" she reches towards her mother and hugs her with joy and relief

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~She listens patiently.~

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Date Posted: 14:38:47 11/29/02 Fri

~Suddenly a wave of guilt washed over her.~
Ripple, I'm sorry I didn't look in the lights. I thought for sure you'd be somewhere in the dark section because you know it so much better. I looked all over the place for you and for... ~She sighs, wondering how to explain.~ I'm afraid that Cinder, Sulphur, and Gravity are gone. I don't know where they are and I've looked all over for them as I've looked all over for you. But you know how I love hatchlings, so I adopted Druid. He is still around, and Gravity was too right up until a few months ago. I don't know where she's gone to. But she's an adult now and I suppose she wouldn't like it if she knew her mother was still worried about her like she was a newborn.
~Taking a deep breath, she continues.~
And I missed the noise and commotion here without hatchlings. I adopted Druid when he was 3 years of age, so he came and left quickly. So I was alone again, but not for long. I adopted more hatchlings. I had the eldest, Keiara, then there were the twins, Levlynn and Leila, and the youngest, Fiona. I know not where they are, I had them and we were doing fine, but then they were suddenly gone.
~Having lost so many hatchlings, she had become withdrawn and distraught. Sitting in the shadows of the lair was her favorite passtime, she had no one, and she knew that adopting again would make it worse, for she would live in fear that they, too, would leave her. But seeing Ripple again gave her a spark of hope.~
Druid, your older brother, now has a mate and a daughter. You are an aunt, Ripple. His mate is Blood Lust and his daughter is Ebony Mirage. They live in the Royal TT the last time I checked.
~She was overcome with sadness once more, thinking of her beloved son. Her one and only granddaughter, Ebony Mirage, had gone inactive as well.~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: nods

white ripple
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Date Posted: 10:17:29 12/05/02 Thu

she looks to her mother "oh mum it is'nt your fault, you wern't to know. It doesnt seem as if you've had much good luck"smiles "I am here now and I will help in any way possible, I will never leave again"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )(appear)(

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Date Posted: 13:37:33 12/05/02 Thu

)(walks up to the two.)(
)(The others did not seem to want to talk.)(
)(Maybe her mother and the mysterious one would.)(
)(Wonders who the white is?)(

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: smiles nervously

white ripple
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Date Posted: 09:30:00 12/06/02 Fri

she looks down and smiles at the small dragon not knowing how to introduce herself, she looks to her mother for some reassurance

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~Smiles down at Fiona.~

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Date Posted: 11:56:33 12/06/02 Fri

~Scooping the young hatchling up into her arms, she introduces the sisters.~ Fiona, this is your big sister Ripple.
~Smiling, she looks over at Ripple.~ This is my youngest, Fiona. She'd given me a scare, I didn't think she was going to come home!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )(Shy)(

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Date Posted: 16:14:34 12/06/02 Fri

)(Peers at the newest family member)(
)(Surprise at yet another.)(
)(Will this one want to talk to her?)(
)(Waves a hesitant "hello")(

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: -:-Watches-:-

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Date Posted: 15:59:27 12/07/02 Sat

Ah, but Ripple came long before you. You are new to her, indeed. You see, she was lost in the most recent Dragon War.
-:-She smiles-:-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: smiles

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Date Posted: 09:27:25 12/10/02 Tue

she looks to her youngest sister "hello sister, I got lost helping people in the war, "she smiles "You should think your self lucky to have such a wonderfull mother"she smiles and hugs her mother

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: -:-Embraces her daughter in return.-:-

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Date Posted: 16:55:16 12/10/02 Tue

Thank you, Ripple.
-:-Looking down at Fiona, she smiles. She was thankful beyond belief to have two of her daughters back home again, but she did miss the rest of them as well.-:-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: watches

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Date Posted: 09:09:14 12/11/02 Wed

it is alright mum, it wasnt youre fault they went, I miss them too, so much has changed, but things do, we must be strong

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .{ Nods }.

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Date Posted: 16:39:52 01/01/03 Wed

Yes I suppose you're right. Strength is something I have been lacking since I lost my hatchlings. But I need to regain it, I agree.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )(smile)(

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Date Posted: 11:47:31 12/15/02 Sun

)(gentle smile)(

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