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Date Posted: 12:20:28 12/28/01 Fri
>"Jewel, I came to tell you to keep Gravity away-" Sese
>breaks off in the middle of her sentence, and sniffs
>suspiciously. Then she shakes herself, metal scales
>rattling against each other, and continues. "I wanted
>to tell you to keep Gravity away from the rest of your
>hatchlings, if possible. It would be disasterous if
>she infected the rest of your family. My clone -- yes,
>my player has temporarily cloned me, for the duration
>of this visit -- is trying to obtain another curing
>flower for her, but there are none left on the vine
>and we will have to wait." She turns to leave, then
>pauses and sniffs again. Her neck bends, slowly, as
>she turns her head to peer suspiciously around the
>cavern. Cold brown eyes settle upon the cluster of
>hatchlings, and she sniffs again. "Excuse me," she
>says in a plerasantly menacing voice, "but would there
>happen to be a human around here?"
>((I usually hate 'cloning', but I decided Sese was
>going to have to find out about this sometime. Don't
>worry, she won't hurt Shamia.))
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