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Subject: Re: Why must you satanists steal innocent babies from their cribs during Christmas time?

esequiel martines (nose)
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Date Posted: 02:53:30 03/14/07 Wed
In reply to: box 's message, "Re: Why must you satanists steal innocent babies from their cribs during Christmas time?" on 02:51:57 03/14/07 Wed

>>This is exactly the kind of ignorant mindless dribble
>>that the lifeless lambs of god actually believe... Am
>>I to believe that santa and the easter bunny are a
>>reallity also? I can't imagine how so many people can
>>be manipulated into the beliefs of the
>>catholic/christian dogma, especially with all it's
>>contradictions/dichotomies and it's "do as I say, not
>>as I do" bullshit. Just goes to prove the theory of
>>the meek inheriting the earth ...I say extinguish the
>>cowards and we ALL shall live in a better world...
>>After all if it weren't for the total absurd
>>hipocracies of christianity we never would have had
>>the pointless events of Sept. 11... and Thats FACT!
>>Ave Satanas
>>PS Keep your stupid fairytale holidays..I'd rather be
>>working and fulfilling my responsibilities than
>>participating in useless worship of an unknown dead
>>>Is your thirst for virgin blood so strong that you
>>>cannot cease from your vile practices during this
>>>important Christian holiday?
>>>I'll make a deal. You satanists don't eat a single
>>>child until New Year's Day, and We Baptists won't
>>>a single nubile witch during the entire theater run
>>>Lord Of The Rings.
>>>If you agree, visit our Godly site at:

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