Jeff Anderson (amused/)
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Date Posted: 15:13:26 02/03/13 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Repent and receive Jesus Christ as your only saviour" on 07:04:43 08/11/02 Sun
>Please don't post anything like that from the Bible.
>Or anything from any book at all - Show us you can
>think by yourselves. I don't care about other peoples
>opinions. If you have something to say on Satanism,
>then be straight about it rather than trying to
>convert us with your Xtian brainwashing propaganda.
>Can't you see your all zombies?
I certainly agree with Urban for this above message. I have seen
this type of thing with christains all over the web. It seems they
think they have more right to command than any other group.
It really just proves how shallow minded they really are. They
are really quite disrespectful toward anyone who does not
believe the way they do. What if I or any non-christain butted
in on their block, church, radiostation, etc., and then forced
opinions without giving any fair chance of response and
discussion. A correct word for their methods is delegating.
Christains do not allow questions or opinions outside of there
own ox-brain thinking. That is one good tell sign about them.
They are afraid to consider any other option or idea. Christains
are fearful of losing. It does not take a genius or a real scholar
to see how phony their bible is. Things like Lazarus being raised
from the dead, or Jonah inside the whale for three days. Ha ha !!
Plenty of other tell-tail signs. They can always find another page
or scripture to make an excuse to ignore the obvious. I caught
my ex-best friend in a face to face exchange once. He flat denied
something in print from his own bible that was just a paragraph or
two away from the subject we were speaking of. He tried to
throw me off by switching to another book of the bible with something
somewhat similar, yet not the same subject or content. This was at a time
when I had been absent from home for some time and had just
returned. He had went to bible school and such to become a
preacher while I was away. Even his own family could
not figure him out. I was close with his whole family who were
good working people but not christain, so no pressure there.
He just flipped out. Now in our present year of 2013 and well
into the information age as we are; There is no excuse for an
average intelligent person to continue being without diligence
of doing their own research and evaluating the truth for themselves.
Evidence of the churches lies and fraud is plentiful. Previous
generations may have had an excuse to some extent, however
even then maybe not so much. When I was ten and eleven years
old, I knew things with the sunday school class did not match
right. I was a regular class reader then. My mother was devout
christain. Thankfully my father was not. I managed to escape
church, and though I had some curious times with their material,
I never became christain or church mesmerized. In the last two
years plus, I have learned so much more of how totally wrong
and phony christains really are. Even the bible says they cannot
describe what heaven will really be. Hum, Hum, why not I
ponder. ?? If my best friend were Jesus Christ himself, as they
claim, then why can they not have some fair description of
the same.?? God in the flesh does not even provide his friends
with this knowledge. Such Quackery for sure. The truth is the church
merely wants to dominate and control the masses. Using fear and
guilt, they have been able to hoax the world for to long. Church is
only a smoke and mirrors business. It's about the money and
down inside their feeble weak minds they know I am right. They
live in self denial, but somewhere inside their sheepminded,
parrot speaking mouth, they know they are wrong. HAIL SATAN !
How about that , " New World Order ".?? I am okay with it.
Why do we need the borders and controls we have now?
It's all manmade !! If the christains were so much with their god or
their Jesus, they would not fear to lose the territories as they are
now. Tax and employment as such will always be there, or maybe
not. What have they got to lose. The system now is so controlled
it sure couldn't be worse. Who gives a shit about a state or
territorial label. Why should I answer to any man of my travels
and doings. ?? My god-given right is to travel anywhere
I choose without harassment.! The christains need
to wake the fuck up and see just how badly
they have been cheated. It's actually their own
stupid fault for being so wimpy minded. Bring on
the New World Order, I need something new
to celebrate. Hail Satan !! must sign off now.
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