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Subject: Re: Why Andromeda should continue beyond Season Five

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Date Posted: 27/11/04 10:49am
In reply to: Tarantulas 's message, "Re: Why Andromeda should continue beyond Season Five" on 26/11/04 10:47am

For those who wonder if the series could continue without Dylan, consider this. In "Doctor Who," the Doctor was portrayed by a series of different actors. The explanation was that Time Lords "regenerated" every so often. We know that Dylan Hunt is a Paradine, an evolved Vedran. Not much is known about this race. Suppose that in case of severe injury or even death, Vedrans undergo the equivalent of regeneration. We thought Trance was dead at one time, and she returned to life. What's more, she has "reformatted" herself twice already, so there is a precedent for characters on the show to change appearances. I don't see a reason why they (Dylan and Trance) couldn't reformat themselves into different bodies. That would allow the character of Dylan Hunt to continue in the series while being portrayed by a different actor. How about that?

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