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Subject: Re: New cast member for season 4

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Date Posted: 26/02/03 12:35pm
In reply to: MegL 's message, "Re: New cast member for season 4" on 25/02/03 6:37pm

Thanks for the info. I guess it's kinda like advertising for a position at work. We don't include all the details, just brief highlights. That way, depending on who we get, their background, etc, we can add/change job duties.

Interesting, and I agree we will have to wait and see how it turns out. Thanks again, this is very helpful.


>>Why is that? I mean I understand putting out the
>>casting sheet, actors have to have something to go by
>>to decide if they want to audition. But why is it the
>>character can change so much from what the outline
>>presents? I don't get that.
>Well the casting sheets seem to be more like a quick
>outline of a character, not a detailed breakdown. Just
>how much detail they include on them seems to vary
>show to show and they may leave out major details for
>whatever reason (IMO, one reason is it gives a show
>room to keep developing the character up to the last
>moment but I'm sure there are many more reasons than
>Anyway, a case in point is Trance Gemini's casting
>sheet. Laura Bertram said at Starfest last year that
>she didn't know that she was going to be purple with a
>tail until *after* she got the part and they started
>doing up her costume! So I think it's safe to assume
>that whatever was on the casting sheet for Trance
>Gemini didn't mention heavy make-up (or heavier than
>normal - which turning a someone into a purple alien
>does entail >;-)). However, I believe Brent Strait
>(who was at the same con) said that he did know he was
>going to be doing heavy make-up, so I would guess that
>information must have been on Rev Bem's sheet.
>PS: Plus I said it could change, not that it would
>change. IMO it's just way to early to know how this is
>going to end up when it shows up in the show :-)

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Re: New cast member for season 4Susie26/02/03 1:35pm

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