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Subject: Re: The Leper's Kiss (spoilers)

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Date Posted: 16/11/02 11:52pm
In reply to: Rayhana 's message, "Re: The Leper's Kiss (spoilers)" on 16/11/02 4:44pm

This was a sort of middling episode for me. On the good side. . .

Dylan's leather suit. Oh, yeah. I liked it!

I loved seeing the guy who also helped bring the CW to life! Seeing the backstory of the CW and seeing Dylan making new friends was nice.

The leather suit. Did I mention it was good?

I figure it will get SLAMMED at "that" board because it was Dylancentric and he got kissed. Sort of sexless kisses, if you ask me, but no one did.

I did have a question. How did the guy in the bar scene know Tyr was a Nietzschean, since Tyr is now missing those stickie out things on his arms. Then my husband explained. All Nietzsheans have a distinctive scent. The women all smell springtime fresh and the men all smell fresh as a mountain stream. So. . .even with no bone spindle thingies, a Nietzschean can be recognized.

I figured out the "surprise" and found the whole prison break sort of disappointing. I do get tired of those idiots who shoot at our guys but never duck themselves.

The editing was coherent, which was nice. Although the prison break itself was sort of eh, (I wonder if "that" board will notice that Capt. Terrific screwed up.) I do wonder about the poor ship that was turned into the prison. What happened to it? Was the AI destroyed? Will the CW rescue it?

(And did the drift they visit look a lot like the Clarion's Call?)

Okay, not a very coherent review but it is near midnight and I baby sat my three and half year old niece and her four month old sister while their parents went to the new Harry Potter movie and my back is killing me and I am TIRED.

Oh, and did I mention the suit? I hated Sasha's hair and thought Dylan's new do was a mistake but I really liked that leather suit Dylan wore.

And the "how old are you?" remark. Liked that. And the leather suit.


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Drifts & Other Stuff....[Leper Spoilers]Maigrey17/11/02 12:28am

Re: The Leper's Kiss (spoilers)Rayhana17/11/02 7:27am

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