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Thursday, 02 January, 09:15:am GMT-7Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234567[8]9 ]
Subject: When Will Beka Wake Up?

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Date Posted: 4/12/02 12:08am

Guys you will think I am kook, but I think I have it all figured out
now. I just had a major revelation concerning the happenings of
Season 3thus far. Its an extended dream sequence, and I believe that
Tyr and Beka are still in the Tunnel and this is Beka's dream. Why
Beka? Well primarily because we see a very mellowed out Tyr minus
his most distinguishing Neitzchean feature (boneblades, which Beka in
her dream might view as a hinderance to her pursuing a relationship
with Tyr... If you recall Tyr told her that he could NEVER be with a
human woman.. I am serious guys, think about every ep this
season.... semi-ethereal, semi-romantic, very symbolic, and utterly-
pointless not making one bit of sense...(sort of like dreams, eh) Now
you see..

So now that we have that settled I guess the only question is (WHEN
WILL BEKA WAKE UP???!!!!) Now, for the writers of the show or anyone
from the production staff that may happen to read this post, take a
hint and use what I just said as an out to explain away this
dreadfully bad, pitiful excuse for a season. If I had not seen the
first two seasons of Andromeda and had only experienced this current
season I would have abandoned it after the 3rd show. (and that is
being waaaaaaaaaaaaay too generous)... I know that you (the
writers) had good intentions for this season, you know to expand the
demographic and garner more viewers(yadda yadda yadda)... Well the
road to you know what, is paved with good intentions, the show was
inventive and complex and I am sorry but that what Sci-Fi fans want.
(See)SG1, B5, EFC, and Farscape..... long overreaching story arcs are
big hits and keep the core fans drawn to the show. Don't over
analyze...just deliver! Don't try and convert none Sci-Fi fans to
watch a Sci-Fi show..... Its NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!! People who
don't normally watch Sci-Fi are not going to watch this show just
because you dumbed it down.. People who don't normally watch Sci-Fi
will never watch Sci-Fi. You have a core audience and if you intend
on keeping it..... I suggest you start revisting those plots threads
introduced in the first two seasons. And for Gods sake will someone

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