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Thursday, 02 January, 09:36:am GMT-7Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234567[8]9 ]
Subject: Re: Emotional Attachment

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Date Posted: 16/12/02 9:11pm
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Emotional Attachment" on 9/12/02 5:04pm

I can understand your emotional attachment. I probably would be much more attached than I am if I had those experiences. I will say, that I am slowly getting there. During an incident on SS folks were really bashing Seth. I stepped in and began trying to calm it, while supporting Seth. He e-mailed me to thank me and we had a wonderful conversation. Since then I e-mail him on occasion, with a question, or simply feedback as to how I am enjoying the show, or something like that. He always writes back and he always answers my questions. We have had a few good laughs and I love his sense of humor. Because of his responsiveness and willingness to discuss things, I find that I am becoming much more invested in this show.

I came to Andromeda because of Kevin. That's the main reason and I still like him. Once I heard Keith would be on I was thrilled. I watched him on All My Children and simply loved him. Since then I have found I truely admire the entire cast. I am still not as emotionally involved as some, but I can certainly understand how folks can get that way when they have had the joy of meeting so many involved with the show. My small involvement with Seth on e-mail has opened up things for me, I can only imagine how I might feel if I had the more personal attachements.

Rayhana (still having a good time with Andromeda)

>>Yes, I enjoy the show. It entertains me. It isn't my
>>whole world, so I am certainly not as emotionally
>>connected to it as some at other boards. I do like
>>the cast, a lot and feel they have great chemistry
>>with each other.
>Well I guess here's where I might have to state that I
>am more than a little emotionally attached to
>Andromeda. It has been my whole life for 3 years
>Because of it, I've made friends with the spectacular
>Ms. Vare and the ever so Bubbly Ms Sherwin. I've had
>the opportunity to be held <g> and hugged by Ash,
>Zack, Robert, Celeste, and comforted by all of the
>above that weekend we learned of Kevin Smith's death
>the first day of the Gallifey Convention... I've met
>Joe & Bob, Keith twice, Gordon, Richard Lewis, Matt
>Smith [Guest Star HG from "Sum"] and have seen Phil
>Segal - just didn't speak to him as he was quite busy.
>All of these people above, and many others I would
>like to meet one day, have been to this site.
>When you're a simple webmaster in a large community of
>fans it can be extremely overwhelming to learn that
>the cast, crew and writers have been through your site
>- not to mention Tribune itself. When I learned I
>almost fainted, no word of a lie, I panicked... And
>yes I am extremely emotionally attached to the show,
>because I love all the people above and because of all
>the work I've put into the site. It hurts to see it
>constantly attacked, I tend to take it personally.
>I added this forum, about a year ago I think, not sure
>if anyone would post - I'd hoped to find a haven for
>optimists and I'd like to think I have :) We don't
>have to like everything about an ep, but it sure as
>hell is nice to see an ep discussed positively first!
>Thanks Guys & Gals,

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