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Thursday, 02 January, 09:20:am GMT-7Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234567[8]9 ]
Subject: Re: AIs and avatars and our Rommie

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Date Posted: 4/01/03 10:24am
In reply to: Amorette 's message, "AIs and avatars and our Rommie" on 4/01/03 9:51am

You are right, there was no avatar until Harper built her. I can only vaguely remember, but Dylan's reaction appeared to be one of surprise and pleasure. He seemed to like the fact that his confidont was now in this form. I remember Rommie and Dylan have a discussion where Rommie states that her new form changes nothing, they are soldiers, she is his captian, etc. He kinda grinned and said "um, yeah" or something. That was about it as far as I remember. It was a cute scene. Rommie trying to be so very professional and not let out how excited she was to be in the form given her crush on Dylan. And Dylan kinda, IMO, knowing that.

I'm not sure about avatars for other purposes. I get the feeling there were, based on how Rommie has stated that the CW treated them as sentient beings, etc. But I don't think this has ever been addressed. I could be wrong though.

>Okay, I haven't seen the pilot since it last reran.
>I'm restoring an old house and my budget goes for
>stuff like paint, not DVDs, sadly. To the best of my
>memory, Andromeda didn't have an avatar before the
>Fall. Harper built "Rommie." Is that right?
>How did Dylan react to Rommie? How did Andromeda
>react to Rommie? I don't remember because I was too
>busy trying to decide if I liked the show or now (and
>after the prison planet episode and the one with the
>kids and the nova bombs, it was only Kevin Sorbo who
>kept me interested so I didn't absorb too much of
>those early episodes.)
>Second question: Has there ever been any discussion
>of whether or not AIs and avatars are exclusive to
>High Guard/Commonwealth ships? Would a big cruise
>ship have a smarmy avatar to deal with passengers?
>Would a freighter need an AI to deal with the
>complexities of space flight? I am going only by what
>is on screen but maybe there is something on the
>official site on this? Anybody know?
>Thanks! Amorette

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