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Subject: How well did you fare? Answers within...

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Date Posted: 6/03/06 11:55am
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Test your knowledge of Season One/Early Season Two!" on 26/02/06 11:31am


1. What was Beka's Father's name? <b>Ignatius Valentine</b>
2. Rafe had two nicknames for Beka, name one: <b>Booster Rocket, Valentine Smart</b>
3. Who built the Eureka Maru? <b>Sid Barry & Ignatius Valentine</b>
4. Beka met Leydon Bryce-Hawkins whose alias was? <b>Schroedinger's Cat</b>
5. Rafe stole Beka's CD Collection and left behind two items, name one: <b>A holo-message and a photo of Rafe & Beka as kids</b>
6. Name two things Beka is "Wanted" for: <b>Counterfeiting, Smuggling, Fraud</b>
7. Beka comes face to face with a Fighter Pilot who she thinks is a lot like her. What was her name? <b>Parvati Quechua</b>
8. Beka's Father used to read her what as bedtime stories? <b>Police Blotters</b>
9 Beka use _______________ to convince the Sinti Council Opponent faction to stay with Dylan's Commonwealth Charter. <b>Valentine-ology</b>
10. Beka has kissed Dylan in which two episodes? <b>THO, AHFFF</b>


1. Tyr's parent's names are? <b>Victoria, Barbarossa</b>
2. Name Two Books Tyr has read: <b>The Fountainhead, Beyond Good & Evil, Will To Power, Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Hedas of Thonia</b>
3. Tyr fell for a Human Woman on Midden. What was her name? <b>Yvaine</b>
4. Name the onetime Kodiak ally who failed to come when the Dragans decimated Tyr's Pride: <b>Orca Pride</b>
5. What Pride is the direct offshoot of Kodiak Pride? <b>Volsung Pride</b>
6. Tyr's alias when he used the Maru to steal back the Remains of the Progenitor was? <b>Barrabas Jericho</b>
7. What is the code word to open the Casket? <b>Retribution</b>
8. Name the 3 people who have offered marriage to Tyr: <b>Charlemagne, Elsbett, Freya</b>
9. Where does Tyr keep his sacred trust? <b>Storage Bay 15</b>
10. At 16 Tyr was sold to Slavers and word in the mines on _______________. <b>Xochital</b>


1. Trance rescued Dylan from Mobius by tracing what? <b>Button</b>
2. On a goodwill tour of Drifts, Harper and Trance handed out what? <b>Anasturian Tundra Flowers</b>
3. Trance's favourite plant was named? <b>Walter</b>
4. What game of chance does Trance always seem to win at? <b>Yesheedono</b>
5. According to Trance, you have a 50-50 chance of being wrong, what percentage of the time? <b>90%</b>
6. Trance's tattoo is? <b>Smiling sun</b>
7. Where does Trance feel the most comfortable? <b>Eureka Maru or Hydroponics</b>
8. What semi-official position does Trance hold on the Andromeda? <b>Environmental Systems Officer</b>
9. Trance took off to Ornithone to watch the Mandlebrots what? <b>Spawn</b>
10. Trance is always looking for what? <b>The perfect possible future</b>


1. What is Rev Bem's full Human name? <b>Reverend [Brother] Behemial FarTraveler</b>
2. What is his Magog name? <b>Redplague</b>
3. Rev was spawned where? <b>Kingfisher</b>
4. What does Rev eat? <b>Live Salmon kept in Hydroponics</b>
5. Rev was converted to Wayism by who? <b>Brother Theo/Thaddeus Blake</b>
6. Which poem did Rev quote to Dylan in Angel Dark, Demon Bright? <b>Tyger, Tyger</b>
7. As a Krishnamurti Novitiate, when frustrated Rev would do what? <b>Go to the Shouting Cliffs</b>
8. Rev's DNA was used to create a new race of Warrior Priests from the people once known as __________. <b>Hajira</b>
9. What special ability did Tiama pass on to her and Rev's Children? <b>Genetic Memory</b>
10. Rev revered what Wayist? <b>Serenity Singh Kalsa</b>


1. Harper had twin cousins who were infested by Magog. What were their names? <b>Declan & Siobhan</b>
2. We recently met another cousin of Harper's, what city on Earth did Brendan live? <b>Boston</b>
3. When last checked, Harper placed ______ in the surfing competition on Infinity Atoll. <b>48th</b>
4. When we first met Harper, he was suffering from? <b>Triangulum Measles</b>
5. How long did Harper live on Earth, approximately? <b>20 years</b>
6. Which woman did Harper hit on at Albuquerque Drift? <b>Andulasia</b>
7. Which aliens does Harper label as twitchy, obsessive, anal-retentive? <b>Perseids</b>
8. Aside from Sparky Cola, Harper's other favourite beverage is? <b>Neu Bayern Weisbrau</b>
9. What Medication was Harper required to take to keep the Magog Larvae dormant? <b>Lukoprine Variant</b>
10. What tattoo does Harper sport on his left arm? <b>Yin Yang</b>


1. Dylan was born where on Tarn Vedra? <b>Beshana Tarn, the Human Quarter</b>
2. Dylan is partially genetically engineered because his Mother was a __________________? <b>Heavy Gravity Worlder</b>
3. Dylan was engaged to whom? <b>Doctor Sara Riley</b>
4. As of his last birthday, Dylan is how old? <b>343</b>
5. Dylan's Father worked where? <b>Imperial Gardens on Tarn Vedra</b>
6. Dylan's personal High Guard access code is _____________________ <b>52278 Alpha 7771 Lexic Dark</b>
7. Dylan uses what game to practice strategy? <b>Go</b>
8. Dylan's passtimes include what? <b>Running & Basketball</b>
9. Who was Dylan's hero? <b>Sani Nax Rifati</b>
10. Who helped Dylan's fiancee attempt to bring Dylan out of the Event Horizon? <b>Ismail Khalid</b>


1. Rommie's first mission to find the Magog Worldship ended in disaster. Who Captained her? Perrim
2. Rommie was made flesh from a CW floppy found at this one time HG Station: GS92196
3. Andromeda is what class of Ship? Glorious Heritage
4. Her memory was once wiped by who? Argosy Intelligence
5. What planet Rommie once visited is prejudiced against AI's? Machen Alpha
6. Andromeda's big sister was? Pax Magellanic aka Maggie
7. She is reluctant to part with what, when they decide to hold a 'garage sale'? The Ceremonial China
8. Rommie fell in love with Gabriel, the Avatar for what ship? The Balance of Judgment
9. Of the three versions of Andromeda, the Avatar is considered to be what? Younger sister
10. The two planetary warbots Rommie controls are nicknamed what? The Lads/Tweedles


1. Who was the Father of the Progenitor? <b>Paul Museveni</b>
2. What is the name of the Drago-Kazov Homeworld? <b>Enga's Redoubt</b>
3. On what world did Nietzscheans first settle? <b>Fountainhead</b>
4. Name 4 Prides, other than the Dragans: <b>Volsung, Orca, Sabra, Jaguar, Kodiak, Mandau</b>
5. What are the protrusions on the forearms called?? What are they made of? <b>Boneblades made of a horn like substance</b>
6. What nickname is given to all Humans by Nietzscheans, considered a slur? <b>Kludge</b>
7. What does the Double Helix symbolize? <b>The man and woman's DNA joined together when mated, forged in metal</b>
8. Nietzscheans believe one day that ________________ will be genetically reincarnated. <b>Drago Museveni</b>
9. Nietzschean society is _________________. <b>Matriarchal</b>
10. The largest Nietzschean Pride is? <b>Drago-Kazov</b>


1. How many worlds/drifts/systems did Dylan plan to start his renewed Commonwealth with? <b>50</b>
2. Name the HG Station the Drago-Kazov occupied in Una Salus Victus: <b>Acheron</b>
3. The High Guard Insignia consists of 2 moons which stand for what? <b>Vedran H & G - standing for High Guard</b>
4. What is like a drug to Pyrians? <b>Ammonium Phosphate</b>
5. Tarazed is inhabited by whom? <b>Descendants from the Andromeda evacuees and Starry Wisdom Crews</b>
6. Borotep Yeshgar is from what Race of Genetically Modified Humans? <b>Inari</b>
7. Where did the High Guard make its last stand against the Nietzscheans? <b>Witchhead Nebula</b>
8. The Andromeda went to Svarog's Anvil to search for who? <b>Isabella Ortiz</b>
9. What Toy did Harper invent that he used to annoy the Dragan Slavers on Earth? <b>Shrillers</b>
10. What Fleet Marshall was bested by Dylan twice, leading to his replacement? <b>Cuchulain</b>
11. Name one of the two systems Sabra Pride exchanged for Dylan's help in THO: <b>Enkindu or Schopenhauer</b>
12. Who was known as the Mad Perseid? <b>Hasturi</b>
13. On what Planet did Prince Erik have to be coronated? <b>Ne'Holland</b>
14. Where did Hawkins hide the Hegemon's Heart? <b>Inside a man-eating plant - Valley Forge Gardens</b>
15. What does Harper believe they'll find on Tarn Vedra? <b>The Engine of...</b>
16. What RL person was Hohne named for? <b>Christian Hohne Sparboth who created Slipstream BBS</b>
17. What does FTA stand for? <b>Free Trade Alliance</b>
18. What Drift was the Mutual Defense Pact signed at? <b>Winnipeg Drift</b>
19 Slipstream, it's not the best way to travel faster than light, it's what? <b>The only way</b>
20. Who brought Earth into the Commonwealth originally? <b>The Perseids</b>

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