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Thursday, 02 January, 05:14:pm GMT-7Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9] ]
Subject: Re: On being called a coward... [rant]

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Date Posted: 23/10/02 5:41am
In reply to: Hygea 's message, "Re: On being called a coward... [rant]" on 22/10/02 11:57pm


I like to think of this as a safe haven for the Optimists, where we can post as they do on the Sorbos_Andromedans email list. I'm not afraid to ban trolls or people who attempt to take over this board, have done twice already. Unfortunately, I accidently wiped the archive - the set up here is different from other boards and well, we all make mistakes *sigh*. Lost some interesting thoughts though...

I'm healing, it's only been [almost] two weeks and they figure it'll be a few more before I'm back to 100% I can eat soft foods but chewing is still beyond me, as is smiling :/ Time is what I need now. Hopefully after a re-adjustment last night, the blisters and cuts that formed inside my mouth will be able to heal and things will get easier.

I think the reason I am enjoying these S3 eps so much is because I'm so far ahead, there isn't much in the way of spoilers for me. I try to avoid them at the best of times, I haven't even watched or seen a preview yet this season - I find them distracting from the episode. Canada isn't one for airing anything more than a generic Andromeda commercial. I go into each ep in a good mood, with an open mind and find never a dull moment, always something to think about. Almost like the days before the internet when you enjoyed an ep on it's own merit, not by posts in a forum.

I just hope that by being so far ahead I don't ruin things for others. I know the temptation is great to jump in and look at the screen caps, but unless you know what context they take place in, it shouldn't be too bad. No matter what, I'd always advise staying away from the episode synopsis - I type what I see, which can take a full day of pausing the tape and typing. This season I try not to leave out anything...

As for Eclipse's board, I will post my updates there, but I guess I'm just too tired to actually try to discuss the eps. By the time the Americans have seen an ep, I'm still 2 ahead and all talked out. I don't want to post reviews that might spoil either.

I really have to say Matt, Joe, Bob, Ash and Zack are taking things extremely well. I'm surprised they still bother to go to SS, considering the utter contempt some show for the episodes. It just goes to show what a terrific bunch of guys they really are.

Thanks Hygea, and hope to see you around here again :)


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