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Subject: Re: On being called a coward... [rant]

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Date Posted: 25/10/02 10:45am
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Re: On being called a coward... [rant]" on 23/10/02 5:48am

Unfortunately, the SS nastiness has spread like cancer all over. I used to like going to Keith Hamilton Cobb's B-board and read and sometimes post there, but lately I am annoyed. I still tried to put my two cents in but was largely ignored. At least not insulted as it happened on Andromeda's Official Site B-board. Not by everyone but by some.

A few days ago I went to see KHC's post on his board because Mai referred to it once in conversation about the boneblades and such. Now I may agree or disagree with his argumets and reasons, but I saw how the man was repeatedly insulted and basically ripped to pieces by the members of HIS OWN BOARD! The one that got me seething was the person that I used to respect and like and enjoy conversations with on many boards including this one. I was amazed by the rudeness and meanness of her answers, even after he wrote for the second time and literally asked her to 'put her nose back in the joint'. What she essentually did was that she robbed the other members of the board of any further chances to 'converse' with their favorite actor. And the constant name-dropping and hints on priviledged information were simply nauseating.

I am not well enough right now to go and discuss other unpleasantries of that board, but the long road I took to make a point here takes me to the conclusion -- Mai, we need you! I agree with Amorette, I, too, still like the show even some writing does not agree with me, but -- I am still going to watch it and enjoy it, even my son (who is 4 and a half) is watching it with me.

Whew, I said it. I think the flu medicine affected me but not too much.... :-)


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