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Valley of Dreams

As you cross the mountains, you catch a glimps of a beautiful vally. A valley so full of beauty... A beauty that you only dreamed could exist. Lush grass flows down the sides of the mountains. A waterfall cascades down the side of a steep cliff, the fine mist filling the valley with thousands of tiny rainbows. Truely a Valley of Dreams!

The King: Double Duece

The Queen: Awaiting

The Herd

The Foals

Walking along the grassy terrain, drops of dew soak your hooves. A cool breeze whips your mane, and you hear nothing but a distanced river and the trees swishing gently and the leaves falling ever so often and glid through the atmosphere landing delicatly on your frame. The skys hue of pinkish, red, reflecting of the mountains. Every so often you look into the mountains and you can see dear climbing through of birds at rest, and flutter suddenly from the trees.

The Herd


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