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Date Posted: 19:40:04 08/16/02 Fri
Author: Raptor
Subject: Woah!
In reply to: Bizha 's message, "Um excuse me I did nto change the game at all" on 14:07:02 08/16/02 Fri

I do forget when you were invited here, into this conversation at all! Where the hell is Locksley, huh? you've changed everything. Your seashells are gay, not user-friendly, and what's all of your "new controller" shit? I only have problems with shit when they deeply affect me, and Jackie was a good friend of mine, so tell me what you are. Some kind of hacker? Oh, wait, I know what you are: a homewrecking mother f---er with a wierd name and no HTML knowledge at all! I will leave, thanks, because this game sucks ASS now and I've found much more mature, well-written, and desireable games than this old kiddie shit that I've been on for three years. I'm fucking sick of it, and of Apple Orchards. MAGIC, IF YOU WANT TO COME AND JOIN MY HERD AT WYLDE, THE URL IS http://www10.brinkster.com/wildmustangrpg. JUST GO STRAIGHT TO THE MEMBERS AREA, DON'T BOTHER JOINING, THE LOGIN IS MUSTANG AND SO IS THE PASSWORD. JUST POST ON THE GORGE AND SAY IN THE POST SOMEWHERE THAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR INFECTION. I'LL FIND YA!

Biez, retarded game:

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