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Date Posted: 17:28:20 12/12/01 Wed
Author: ~*~Dangerous Charm~*~
Author Host/IP: lco210.zoominternet.net /
Subject: =Entrance of One=

=A cadence of powerful talons echos among the frosted land, frost being thrown as onyx nails throw loos terra skywards. Ebon' vixen careens down landscape with powerful velocity as bruja makes her way onward, toward the forgotten land. Fiery pools of obsidian dance fiercly with wild emotion and abandon, twins swiveling atop sable crown. Suddenly haunches are braced, sliding femme to a complete halt with "skid marks" to prove her velocity as mass is suddenly launched into air, standing 'pon hinds. Dial is thrown upwards towards the heavens, letting dreaded locks to dance 'pon arched crest as scream of entrance is released from its captivity within reckless soul. She-devil falls back down to earth, raking frozen terra with razored nail before proceeding onward. Stained enamels are bared to all who approach too near, though lobes remain erect as nares quiver, always alert. Wavy plume is slapped against scarred hide as she makes her way through the land, her dominence and wisdom proclaimed through every step...

Dubbed .:Dangerous Charm:.
Gender .:Of the Fairer Sex is She:.
Seasons .:One Score and Six have seen her Prescence:.
Ancestry .:Of European Blood is She, Freisian Prominent Within Mass:.
Hue .:Of Purest Ebon is She, with not another tint:.
Stature .:15.3 hh:.
Persona .:Yet to be unveiled:.
History .:This she-brute has crossed many lands, and has seen many things; her body is young, though mind is wise and aged, quite useful in this barran land, perhaps she shall reveil more to you, if dubbed worthy...:.

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