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Date Posted: 14:45:34 06/22/03 Sun
Author: James
Author Host/IP: adsl-66-141-16-76.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net /
Subject: Extend Your Life by HUNDREDS of Years

Remember all of those people in the Bible that used to live for hundreds of years? Adam and Eve were promised eternity if they remained faithful to God, which they didn`t. But even afterwards they lived for many hundred years. Would you like to live that long, or even longer?

Here is a new technology that claims to give faithful users immortality. I don`t know whether this technology actually increases one`s lifespan to the point of immortality, but there are many many testimonials on the internet to its beneficial health effects. Mr. Chiu holds a U.S. patent on the technology, but he also provides instructions for making it yourself if you want to do so. If you decide to buy it from him, you only have to pay for it once! It isn`t consumed like sooooo many other health enhancers which you have to buy again and again.

Mr. Chiu has several theories about metaphysics that have been met by a host of cynical skepticism, but I have been able to find nothing but positive responses to this particular technology. Everyone who`s using it seems to love it!

Take a look and see what you think:


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