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Welcome. Keep it clean, no spam, no personal attacks, and try to keep on topic. I want a fair fight, no kicking, biting, scratching or name calling. If you refer to an article, please give the source as a courtesy to others who may want to read the whole document. If you have concerns about a post that you feel is offensive, demeaning, racist or otherwise disruptive, let me know and I will see about removing it. Let the games begin. Passwords are now in effect to post and reply to messages. Contact Forum Admin to get your password. Please have a password in mind that you will remember. thanks

Subject Author Date
WOW!sci guy00:31:57 03/22/10 Mon
The nightmare has ended!jw17:32:18 11/08/08 Sat
Going HomeL01:49:16 09/28/08 Sun
960,000 people can't be wrongL.14:55:56 09/20/08 Sat
Geez, this is a ghost townL.11:19:22 09/06/08 Sat
Going to build a street legal electric car.sci guy10:07:54 04/08/08 Tue
Should the Beijing Olympics be boycotted?sci guy10:02:35 04/08/08 Tue
don't forget to turn out thelights!sci guy08:58:51 03/29/08 Sat
How did we get in this financial climate ?Bev12:50:11 03/23/08 Sun
One confusion thing about the 'economic slump'Stephen11:03:17 03/21/08 Fri
I found this site abour real estate foreclosuresBev11:31:41 03/18/08 Tue
I think this is itStephen17:24:32 03/07/08 Fri
green tax in BCsci guy18:38:19 02/20/08 Wed
Great New Years news for minimum wage earners in wa state .BEv11:42:42 12/31/07 Mon
They do this every year, this is the 117th year.Lotus Blossom15:03:00 12/27/07 Thu
Happy HolidaysLotus Blossom19:07:34 12/24/07 Mon
More fuel for the fireOropan08:10:06 12/21/07 Fri
Calling all socialists!Oropan07:58:47 12/21/07 Fri
For Oro . after asking bush to declare counties disater areasBev08:42:45 12/16/07 Sun
Archives: 12345678910 ]

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