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Subject: Why are you going off-line?

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Date Posted: 14:45:14 01/01/08 Tue
In reply to: Lotus Blossom 's message, "They do this every year, this is the 117th year." on 15:03:00 12/27/07 Thu

Are you going to South Dakota?

> I am going off line pretty soon so you will have to
>keep up on your history on your own. Chief Big Foot
>Riders Return To Wounded Knee, "We Want To Be Free"13
>Day Ride Began Under Bonds of U.S. Treaty, Ends On
>December 29th With Free Nation21ST Annual Ride Returns
>To New Life for Free Lakota People WOUNDED KNEE,
>Lakota (formerly South Dakota)- December 27 - Thirteen
>days and 287 miles ago, 44 people mounted horses and
>began the Memorial Chief Big Foot Ride in honor of Si
>Tanka (Chief Big Foot) and his unarmed band of
>Mniconjou and Hunkpapa refuges who were slaughtered by
>U.S. Calvary in 1890 at Wounded Knee. But while these
>44 riders began their journey under the shadow of U.S.
>Treaty, their numbers will swell to over 100 and end
>under the protection of a free and sovereign Lakota
>Nation. The ride began on December 15th in Standing
>Rock, the anniversary of Sitting Bull's death, and has
>traveled through fierce snowstorm and cold, the same
>conditions faced by the 357 mostly women, children and
>elder men at Wounded Knee Creek 127 years ago. "The
>purpose of the ride is to ride the spirit trail of
>Chief Big Foot," said Tegihya Kte also known as Garry
>Rowland, leader of the riders and recent delegate of
>the Lakota Freedom effort in Washington D.C.. "The
>Tree of Life died in Wounded Knee in 1890, and the
>ride was begun to mend the Sacred Hoop." Riders
>ranging in age from 10 to 65 travel the footsteps of
>their Ancestors, along the way offering prayer for the
>women, children, the Elders, and the conditions the
>Lakota people are forced to live under today. For the
>children, the ride is also a powerful introduction to
>the sacred relationship between the Lakota and the
>horse and the courage their Ancestors took during
>their 13 day walk from the site of Sitting Bull's
>assassination to Wounded Knee. "My sons and now my
>grandsons have participated in the ride," shared
>Tegihya Kte. "They ride for our future and the
>self-determination of our people." The
>self-determination of the Lakota now takes on powerful
>meeting as the Lakota Freedom Delegation traveled to
>Washington D.C. and withdrew the Lakota from their
>treaties with the United States Government. The ride
>becomes an outward expression of sovereign Lakota
>rights and spirituality. Tegihya Kte said, "We don't
>want the government telling us what to do, we want to
>be free." Lakota Freedom delegate and Cante Tenza
>leader Canupa Gluha Mani (Duane Martin Sr.) agreed,
>"The Lakota withdrawal in Washington D.C. brings real
>protection for our people today, exactly the real
>protection Big Foot sought for his people then." We
>are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian
>reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
>and Montana who have withdrawn from the
>constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free
>and independent country. We are alerting the Family of
>Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and
>independence with the backing of Natural,
>International, and United States law. For more
>information, please visit our new website at
>www.lakotafreedom.com. ###

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Re: Why are you going off-line?L.B.22:47:17 01/01/08 Tue

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