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Subject: Re: plus duncan you have stated over and over again you are against welfare | |
Author: Stephen |
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Date Posted: 07:40:55 03/15/08 Sat In reply to: Bev 's message, "plus duncan you have stated over and over again you are against welfare" on 11:42:48 03/14/08 Fri Republicans propaganda has been very successful at convincing the public that they stand on higher moral ground and that Democrats are evil. I read an article the other day about how they have backed themselves into a corner with thier logic because now it is time to turn to things Democrats tried to repair years ago. So the Republican ethic must be dismantled and rebuilt. The propaganda planners will start, firts, by "hanging" Bush after he leaves office. Then they will talk about internal decay. Then they will carefully craft a new and improved Republican party that has compassion for al the suffering the people have gone through. Of course they will still steal money from the working Joes and Janes to stuff their own pockets. >what do you think about the welfare the gov't is >spreading around to protect the stock market and >sterns. or is that different in your book ? I suspect >you are such a dyed in the wool rep if the dems had >pulled the same junk the rep have pulled the past >several years you would be totatally against it and >right you would be . . Other wise you perhaps are >incapable of thinking for yourself . I suspect this is >the way hitler took over germany to many people >incapable of reasoned thinking . [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |