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Subject: different personality-types have different fotre's | |
Author: Stephen |
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Date Posted: 11:02:59 03/15/08 Sat In reply to: Duncan7 's message, "Re: Yes but the government does suport that" on 08:46:01 03/15/08 Sat Perhaps you are good with networking and all that stuff. I do better with facts, figures, and research. One is not right and the other wrong. We are just of different personality types. You should know about these (Meyers-Briggs, etc.) since you taught school. >This has been going on forever so don't think it's >brand new. There's just alot more of them now. And >reading is your problem. You'd rather sit in a room >and read what someone else says then to actually >witness it for yourself. I still have several ties to >the community and a day doesn't go by I don't hear >some parent talking about what they did for their kids >or what their kids are doing. And my first thought is >always "wonder who's paying for that?" In alot of >cases we end up paying for it. So please, your fantasy >view of the world is still lost on me. > >>Changes to the banking industry regulations passed in >>2001-2003 made this level of extension possible. >> >>Bev addressed this in one of her posts. You should >>read and research this basis for the statements made >>in this article... >> >> >>href="">http://www. >v >> >> >>You realy should spend more time reading instead of >>going out and watching kids buying Sony Playstation 3 >>s. >> >>>You should get out more. What I see alot of is people >>>buying play stations instead of shoes their kids >need. >>>20 year old kids thinking their first home should >cost >>>$150,000. people making $10 an hr driving $25,000 >>>cars. No government can support that level of >>>ignorance. >>> >>> >>>>the responsibility rests on the rep for their >>>>deregulation of all the banking and savings and loan >>>>regulations they put on after the depression of the >>>>30s so we would not be faced with what happened >then. >>>>the rep thought they knew better now we are faced >>with >>>>a very bad economic climate. Remember duncan we have >>>>never been this far in debt in the history of the >us. >>>>We had a surpluse when bush took over now who is >>>>responsible for putting us trillions in debt ???as >>far >>>>as your pill response grow up will you sounds like >>>>something a jr high student would say or perhaps a >jr >>>>high drop out . What i find really really strange >is >>>>you would keep supporting a man who has subverted >the >>>>constitution taken away freedoms you so proudly say >>>>you defended, lied and lied etc . Almost beyond >>belief >>>>you would still say all is ok . Have you always >>buried >>>>your head in the sand to the facts of what is >>>>happening and going on around you ?????? or is this >>>>something you have acquired as you aged ????? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: different personality-types have different fotre's | Duncan7 | 16:16:48 03/15/08 Sat |