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Date Posted: 11:21:40 03/21/04 Sun
Author: Indy!
Subject: Stop the FCC

If you are like me, I'm sure the recent kneejerk reaction of the FCC to the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident and the subsequent NATIONWIDE CRACKDOWN ON FREE SPEECH do not sit well with you as a freedom-loving American. You might have asked yourself "what can I do to make a difference?" Well here is the answer - you can let your voice be heard just like all great Americans have in the past. Go to the following address and sign the petition to let the FCC know we are tired of them infringing on our Constitutional right to FREE SPEECH. The URL is...

Stop the FCC

Here is the text of the petition...


We the undersigned pledge our support for freedom of speech and expression on our airwaves, print, the Internet, broadcast, cable and satellite.

While we realize that the government has an obligation to protect our children, surely there needs to be a limit to what is regulated. Adults and parents are capable of making decisions about what to watch, read or listen to and are certainly capable of turning off or putting down anything that may offend them or their children.

As voting citizens, we ask our elected officials to consider your actions in attempting to further regulate television, radio, cable, satellite, print and Internet content.

We consider further censorship attempts to be unconstitutional and we will fight these actions by voting for a politician who cares about our rights as Americans.

Go now and make a difference. Let your lawmakers know you will no longer be silent.


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