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Date Posted: 17:19:45 10/16/17 Mon
Author: Mileus Stromboli
Subject: Natural ingredients that can intensify sexual potency

Sexually Stimulating Herbs

By Knut Holt



Herbs have been used in all cultures around the world to stimulate sexual arousal, physical sexual feelings and sexual abilities. In the modern world herbs are increasingly more used both to increase the sexual pleasure and as medicine to help for sexual dysfunctions. The herbs are used both in their original form or the working substances are extracted and used as ingredients in tinctures, ointments or pills.


The working principles of the chemical components in these herbs are of several kinds, and the ingredients make their effects at different places in the human body.

- Some herbal ingredients stimulate generally the function of the neural system. Since sexual response and feelings are dependent of a well working neural system, the herbs will also increase the sexual response.

- Other herbal ingredients generally improve the body's blood circulation. The better blood flow and the better control of the blood flow will then make the genital organs work better and engorge better upon sexual stimulation. Better engorgement will stimulate the feeling bodies at the nerve endings in the sexual organs and thus give stronger physical feelings.

- There are components in some herbs that stimulate tissue growth and regeneration. Such components can make structures in the sexual organs grow stronger and more capable to do their work.

- Some herbal ingredients stimulate directly centres in the central nervous system that play an important role in the sexual response, and thus increase the psychological arousal. A higher psychological arousal will cause signals to be sent to the sexual organs so that they will engorge more strongly and produce more sexual secretions.

- Still other herbal components stimulate the feeling bodies in the genital organs directly, and will thereby give stronger physical feelings. The stimulation of the feeling bodies will also make the central nervous system send signals back to the sexual organs and make them work more efficient.

- Some herbal ingredients will stimulate the production of sexual hormones or other hormones important for the sexual functions, or they will normalize a disturbed hormonal system.


Here are some important sexually stimulating herbs presented. Many of the herbs stimulate the human organism at several points and thus have more than one type of effect. Where not otherwise indicated, both men and women will feel the stimulating effect.

- Bayberry: The fruits increase blood flow and capillary dilation in the mucus membranes of the vagina, and thus stimulate vaginal lubrication.

- Catuaba: Catuaba is a South American bush. It has long been used as an aphrodisiac by Indians, and is the most important sexually stimulating plant used in South America nowadays. Catuaba generally stimulates the central nervous system, and especially the functions controlling sexual response.

- Cayenne (Cayenne pepper, Spanish pepper): From the fruit one gets a well known spice with a very strong taste. The spice stimulates tissue growth and regeneration. This will make the sexual organs stronger and more efficient. Cayenne also makes the digestion and intestinal functions more effective and promotes heart functions.

- Coffee or tea stimulates the central nervous system to a higher activity and thereby also the sexual arousal. Taking a cup of coffee before sexual activity is often a good idea.

- Cuscuta: The seeds of cuscuta stimulate and normalizes the part of the nervous system that controls the sexual organs. This effect helps control premature ejaculation, helps control urination and vitalizes the functions of the sexual organs. It also has a general stimulating effect upon the nervous system.

- Damiana: Damiana is a small Mexican shrub, of which the leaves are used for medical purposes. Damiana stimulates the function of the sympathetic nerves controlling the sexual organs, the urinary system, the digestive organs and the respiratory organs. The herb thus strengthens all the functions of the sexual organs and urinary system. The herbs have many of the same effects as the female hormone progesterone, and therefore the herb works especially effective for women.

- Ginseng: There are many species of the herb ginseng, growing both in East Asia and Northern America. Ginseng stimulates neural functions and bodily activities. Ginseng stimulates and normalizes the blood flow in the brain and sexual organs. Ginseng also stimulates nerve growth, blood production and sperm production. This stimulation will in turn give a general rejuvenating effect, stronger arousal, better genital functions and stronger physical feelings.

- Hawthorn: Hawthorn is a tree growing in all temperate zones of the world. The fruits are used. Hawthorn stimulates heart functions and blood flow, and helps to reduce atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels. This general positive effect upon blood circulation will in turn improve sexual functions as for example female engorgement and male erection.

- Horny goat weed (Epidemium): This is an East Asian herb. The whole plant except the root is used in herbal preparations. This herb stimulates the sensorial bodies in the sexual organs, giving stronger genital feelings. It also increases sperm production, giving better fertility. It further stimulates sexual desire by acting upon the central nervous system. The herb also increases the general activity of the nervous system and thereby the general vitality.

- Johimbe; Johimbe is a tall and evergreen tree growing in tropical areas of Africa. The bark stimulates the blood flow in the genitals and therefore helps against erection problems. However, in higher doses the drug can cause hypertension, digestive problems and manic reactions.

- Maca; This South American herb stimulates sexual desire and drive.

- Muira Pauma: Muria Puama is a Brazilian shrub, known as "Potency Wood". Extracts of the bark is used. Muira Puama stimulates sexual desire and libido, and thereby increases potency.

- Suma: Suma root stimulates and normalizes the hormone production of the whole body, both the production of systemic hormones and local hormones. The improved hormonal system will then improve mental and physical sexual functions.

- Peppermint: Leaves of the peppermint plant stimulate the secretion of lubricating substances in the genital system. This facilitates the sexual act and protects the sexual organ against injury.

On the market you can find pills, tinctures or teas made of one or more of these herbs. What herbs or herbal product you should choose, depend on your purpose. The purposes are generally of 6 kinds:

- Increased libido or sexual desire.

- Increased feelings in the genital region.

- Better erection or sexual performance.

- Better lubrication.

- Increased strength or size of the genitals.

- Increased fertility.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural medicines against sexual problems, sexually stimulating herbal preparations, and natural medicines against digestive problems, allergy, asthma, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, over-weight, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:----



----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/301666

To learn about the vulva, the female sexul organ and how the Latin languge really was pronunced, please see further down

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Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

The Anatomy and Physiology of The Vulva - The Sexual Organ of Girls and Women

By Knut Holt



The vulva begins over the pubic bone and extends between the legs of the woman far back to only a short distance from the rectal opening. In young girls or some women the vulva begins fairly far up at the lowest part of the belly. As the pubic bone grows during maturing, the vulva is often pushed further downwards between the legs.

The parts of the vulva that are most easily seen are the outer genital lips, called the great lips or the Labia majora. Between the upper parts of the lips lies the clitoris, a knob-like structure with a hood like the penile foreskin. Beneath the clitoris and continuous with the clitoral foreskin are the small or inner genital lips, the Labia minora. These surrounds a deepened area called the vaginal vestibule. The urethra opens in the vaginal vestibule and just beneath the urethral opening is the vaginal opening.


The Labia majora join each other at the lower part of the belly, just over the pubic bone and extend backwards between the woman's legs where they also also join each other. The inner lips, the labia minora, vary much in shape and size. They may extend out from the great lips or lie fully within the area of the great lips.

The inside of the genital lips excrete an oily fluid from sebaceous glands, and there are also sweat glands that deliver salty secretions. This fluids blend with fat-rich skin cells rejected from the inner surface of the lips and friendly bacteria to make a whitish substance called sebum. The sebum has a protective and lubricating function.


The urinary opening is situated between the inner lips in the vestibule some distance from the clitoris, sometimes it is placed even at the upper rim of the vaginal opening. At each side of the urethra there is a gland that secrete the same kind of fluid as the male prostate, the paraurethral glands or Skene's glands. The glands tend to empty themselves before and during orgasm and can this way contribute to the phenomenon called female ejaculation.


The vaginal opening lies just below the urethral orifice. In Jung girls it is mostly closed by a thin membrane called the hymen. The hymen will at some time rupture and leave only residuals at the rim of the vaginal opening. The vagina leads up to the womb or uterus.

The inner vaginal wall consists of an epithelium over an elastic connective tissue sheet and around that there is a sheet of muscles. In the walls of the vagina, there are a lot of glands that secrete a lubricating slime. This secretion tend to increase just before and during puberty. It occurs all the time, but increase during sexual excitement.

The vaginal wall do not have much nerves that can recognize sensations but nerve endings controlling the glands an the muscles.

On both sides of the vagina fairly far back there are situated two glands, the Bartholin's glands, that secrete a slime, especially just before the female orgasm. Also this secretion may contribute to female ejaculation.


The clitoris has a hood like the penile foreskin and this hood can be continuous with the minor lips or extend downwards at both sides of the minor lips so that it look like the women has even one more pair of lips. The visible clitoris has the ability to become blood-filled, engorged and erect just like the penis.

It has a set of erectile bodies that do not only lie within the clitoris but extend inside the structures of the vulva, so that the whole vulva has the ability to get blood-filled and engorged.The erectile bodies are a mesh of very elastic blood vessels in a framework of elastic connective tissue.

In the lower part of the clitoris lies the erectile body corpus bulbospongiosus. This body divides itself into two branches, the bulbs of vestibule, that continue as two great bodies at each side of the vaginal vestibule and frame the urethra and vagina, These bodies are partly surrounded by a muscle called the bulbospongiosus muscle.

In the upper part of the clitoris are the erectile bodies corpora cavernosa at both sides that each extends inside as two bodies, called the crura of clitoris or legs of clitoris. These go along the inner rim of the pubic bone under each of the great lips. These bodies are also partly surrounded by a muscle, the ischiocavernosus muscle..

The clitoris has a very rich density of nerve endings through the whole structure. Many of these lies inside small connective tissue bodies that are capable of transmitting and focusing impulses like pressure and vibration towards the nerve endings.


From the clitoris down at both sides of the urethra towards the upper vaginal wall, goes a sensitive structure with a swampy appearance because of a meshwork of blood vessels. This structure can be stimulated from the clitoral side by pressure and vibration or from within the vagina. The part of this structure laying nearest the vaginal wall is often called the G-spot.

When a women has orgasm, sensations in both the clitoris and the whole structure down to the vaginal wall play a role.Sometimes most of the sensations are registered at the clitoris, and the orgasm is then called a clitoral orgasm. Other times most of the sensations are registered in the area over the vaginal wall, and this type of orgasm is called G-spot orgasm or vaginal orgasm.


The clitoris and the central portions of the vulva are innervated by the perineal nerve which is a branch of the pudendal nerve, a nerve that control many important functions in the pelvic region. The peripheral parts of the vulva is controlled by branches from the posterior femoral cutaneus nerves which also controls the surfaces of the thighs. These nerves contain fibers to transmit sensations, fibers to control voluntary muscles in the vulva and parasympathetic fibers that control glands, blood vessels and involuntary muscular functions.

Much of the blood supply to the vulva comes from the internal pudendal artery on both sides. This artery has branches that go towards the labia, towards the clitoral region towards the rectum and other places in the pelvic area.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. TO FIND health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, PLEASE VISIT:




A complete set of advices for successful slimming.


ABOUT SEXUALLY STIMULATING HERBS - also herbal sex products


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Learn to masturbate rectally and inside your stomach







Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.



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Help for depression, anxiety, poor memory, poor concentration, dementia, insomnia, restlessness, tension, ADHD and other mental problems.



Early Internal Pelvic Exams in Girls and Boys

It is commonly thought that pelvic exams, often called gynecological exams, are something done only with women and first when they have reached maturity.

This is far from the truth in modern societies. Probably most boys and girls in the modern western societies have an internal pelvic exam before the age of 14.

These exams are seldome called gynecological exams or pelvic exams though, partly because they are done for other reasons that such exams in adult women, partly because they are performed in a different way, and partly because authorities like to hide what is really going on.

Many children and teens, and often not even their parents, know that they have had such an exam, because they was given general anesthesia, and a dummy explanation was given.

Also many children go through such exams secretly when they are under anesthesia for other procedures, like dental work, eartube ordeals or tonsil surgery.

But in all such cases there will occur symptoms from the intimate body parts or observations that make both the kid and the parents wonder what has been going on.

Anesthesia never works perfectly, and many persons will get flashbacks from repressed memories of the ordeals later in life, These flashbacks are often misunderstood and can give rise to stories of alien abduction or acusations of innosent persons for sexual abuse.

Also these exams tend to be more extensive than adult gynecological exams. Usually there will be endoscopic inspections through the urethra, the vagina and the anus, taking of internal specimens from these places and ultrasound exams in the same areas.

The inspections will often extend high up in the urinary or the intestinal system. The exams also tend to be combined with similar inspections in other body areas.

The reason for the exams can be symptoms that suggest some disease or congenital malformation, research and surveillance upon the populatioin, or one suspect that the parents or others abuse the child sexually.

In many societies even vage observations of bodily symptoms, behavior changes, deviations from a strict standard of development or unusual observations in the family of the kid will lead to such an exam.

The observations leading to such ordeals need not even be of something negative or problemematic for the child. Often it is enough that something unusual is observed with the child to lead to such intimate assessments.

Some comunities or some schools also seem to have done these exams mandatory at specific age levels.

By Knut Holt

For more information about health, fitness and sexuality, please see this website:




Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events

Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.

Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.

Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.

I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.

The address of the poll:



Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:

In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.



Poll about cystoscopy:

By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.



Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:

There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:

There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions. There are already many histories you can read there.

Get Bigger Penis and Stronger Erections

Natural products to make your penis get erect more easily, to make the erections bigger, to give you stable erections and to make your penis stand longer. Also devices to make the penis bigger. Also products to intensify the sexual responses of women.



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Classical and Modern Standardized Latin Pronunciation

By Knut Holt

Please also see these sites with advices about health, beauty and sex here:



In Latin the words were pronounced as written. So if you know the sound each letter stood for, you will know how to pronounce it in genuine Roman style.


The stops p,t,k (and c) were always pronounced the same way. The sounds were the same as the most usual pronounciation in English, but without the breath called aspiration, and therefore they sounded sharper, like the way they are pronounced in the Romance languages. The same is true about the stops b,d,g.

Latin uses the letter c instead of k in most words.

C was always pronounced as k, never as s.

"Ti" was pronounced "ti", never pronounced "tsi".

Ae was pronounced as the diphtong ai (like the i in the word "mine")

Oe was pronouced as the diphtong oi (like the oy in "boy")

Ui was a difting composed of a sound like in "cool" plus an i like in "pit".

R was a rolled thongue tip r, like the Italian r.

V was pronounced as English w. U after a consonant was also mostly pronounced as w. Qu was pronounced as kw. In old latin there was not any difference between the letters u and v. U and v were only two styles of writing the same letter. Sometimes you can encounter latin written this way, which sometimes makes it difficult to know how it shall be pronounced. But the letter will in this case mostly be pronounced u between two consonants, and w after a consonant and in the beginning of words.

J is pronounces as y in "yes". In old writing one often used an i instead of a j. In latin written in this style, i will mostly be pronounced i between two consonants, and j after a consonant and in the beginning of words.

In late latin m in the end of a word, was not prononced like m. but indicated a nasalization of the vowel before. But it is fine to prononce it as m, because this is the oldest way of pronouncing it.

If a consonant was written double, it was pronouced longer that a simple written consonant.

X indicated ks. Z was only used in greek loan words and indicated ts or ds.

y was most probably pronounces i by most Romans, but the correct pronounciation is like u in french "sur".

O was a clean vowel, not a diphtong, and was pronounced as the vowel in "more". I was always a clean vowel, lik in "pit". Likewise a was a clean vowel like in "calm". E was a clean vowel like in "bed", but perhaps a litttle narrower. U was a clean vowel like in "cool", but perhaps somewhat longer back in the mouth and somewhat narrower.

Latin vowels could be short or long, but this was not indicated in script, except in certain instances where a bar was placed over long vowels.

In latin words, the stress usually fell on the next to last syllable. If the third last syllable had a long vowel, that syllable got the stress.


During the middle ages and until quite recently, Latin was still used as a litteral and liturgical language. During this time the pronunciation of latin words underwent a gradual change, influenced by the pronunciation of Italian and French. At some time this classically incorrect pronunciation was standardized, and this standard is by now used by scientific communities, the Catholic church and for scientific words of latin origin in the daily language of so-called educated citizens. This standard is as follows:

Ae is pronounced like the "a" in "hat". Oe is pronounced "e" or as the "eu" in the French word "beurre".

C is pronounced as s before e, i, ae and oe. In Italia and by the Catholic church it is pronounced as the "ch" in the word "child". Elsewhere c is proniunced "k".

Ti is pronounced "tsi"

The difference between long and short vowels is mostly ignored.

V is pronouced "v", Qu is pronounced "kv", but in Italy and the Catholic church "kw".

Elswhere the pronunciation is like the classical Latin one.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, products to enhance sexual excitement, abilities and satisfaction, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.


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ABOUT SEXUALLY STIMULATING HERBS - also herbal sex products







Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.



Help against Hemorrhoid and Stomach Problems. Stomach cleansing products

Natural cures or support for: Hemorrhoids, constipation, stomach pain, stomach inflammations, GERD, diarrhoea. Stomach cleansing products. Also products to help for urinary tract infection, yeast infection, men's problems and women's problems.



Help for depression, anxiety, poor memory, poor concentration, dementia, insomnia, restlessness, tension, ADHD and other mental problems.



Get Bigger Penis and Stronger Erections

Natural products to make your penis get erect more easily, to make the erections bigger, to give you stable erections and to make your penis stand longer. Also devices to make the penis bigger. Also products to intensify the sexual responses of women.



Pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.


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