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Subject: Rejuvenation

Amy B
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Date Posted: 08:33:48 06/17/02 Mon
In reply to: janice 's message, "where are you guys???" on 04:45:14 06/11/02 Tue

Guys--things are certainly quiet lately.... I'm guessing everyone is just enjoying their summer. But, I am predicting things will not be quiet for long...

I am getting ready for Steubenville. Y'all--it is seriously going to ROCK. For those of you who haven't been--get ready because it is so AWESOME! And for those of you who have been before--get ready to be touched by God again in a very powerful way. I know I am excited and anxious to receive God's graces. I'm ready to be rejuvenated!

I am praying for all of you.

Lots of love,
Amy B.

>hey, where is everybody? hope everybody's summer is
>going good. let's hear from you guys. this website
>needs to get kicking again.hope you are all preparing
>for steubenville. remember to pray that God will touch
>your lives in a special way this year, especially
>those of you that have gone already let God continue
>His mighty work in you.spread the word about our
>praise and worship on 6/27/02 in the church from 7:30
>to 9:30 invite your friends and family, we want to see
>you all there!!!!may the love and peace of God be with
>all of you.
>God bless,

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