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Subject: Re: steubenville-er

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Date Posted: 11:12:04 06/24/02 Mon
In reply to: Amy B. 's message, "Re: steubenville-er" on 10:21:10 06/24/02 Mon

WOW! God does work in wonderful ways! i know i speak for everyone when i say how proud i am of you. it really takes a strong mind and soul to honestly commit to the Lord.

I feel truly blessed to have spent the weekend with all of you. in one way or another, every one of you touched me more that you know this weekend. thank yall so much for showing me Jesus through each of yall. He definetly worked his wonders this weekend and i pray that yall don't let that fire i saw in yall during the past days to die. Even though we may all get ridiculed for being holy rollies, stand proud and be proud of the nick name. it really felt good today at work when once again i had my co-workers calling me a Jesus freak because of my bracelet. i just pray that one day they too will be able to experience what we all did this weekend. again, i wanted to thank everyone for this weekend and tell yall how much i love yall!

>God Bless you! What boldness and courage you have
>expressed in committing yourself to the Lord Jesus
>Christ. I pray that you keep that promise and stay
>firm in your decision use your body to honor God.
>This weekend was awesome, y'all! It was by far the
>most powerful Steubenville South I've experienced yet.
>God is great! I feel so blessed to know HIM and to
>have all of you to walk with me on my journey of
>faith. Thanks to everyone for the memories of this
>awesome weekend. I will treasure the experience
>Lots of love,
>Amy B.
>>i want to thank all of you for a great weekend at
>>steubenville. before i came, i was kinda leading my
>>life in the wrong direction. i was living a lie. but
>>this weekend i gave up that lie. i took my chastity
>>card home and signed in front of someone i know will
>>hold me accountable: i took it into the bathroom and
>>looked at myself in the mirror and signed it. it is
>>taped to my mirror now. so that i have to be able to
>>look myself in the mirror and see i am promised to
>>God. before i couldn't. now i can. and that will stay
>>bc i know that i signed it and it will be heavy on my
>>heart if i break that promise i made. thank you again.

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