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Subject: Blessed

Victoria Kristin Baudoin
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Date Posted: 16:43:51 06/24/02 Mon

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to say how blessed I am to have supportive people in my community. I was soooo scared to go to Stubenvile it was unreal. Friday when I got on the bus I was like "what in the world am I doing". Friday I was like ok this isn't what I expected. I guess because I was soo trouble with other problems that I wasn't allowing myself to spend the weekend with God. All my life I thought everything had to be in order. I thought I always had to have answers and everything had to be done right away. Not until adoration did I have no worrys. I couldn't even think of one. I was just prasing God. Then it was time for worship and people around me were crying and as the Bishop started talking about what problems might control our life many of those pertainted to me. I tried to cry but I couldn't. It was like God was crying for me and it felt so awesome. Then I could feel all these people praying over me and what happened from there I don't know, but when I woke up it was like everything was gone. I had nothing to worry about. That night I didn't want to leave I wanted to say there as long as I could. Sunday I was soooooooooo pumped to go to church it was unreal. I danced like I never danced before and I never once looked to see who was dancing and if I was alone. I DIDN'T CARE. I felt sooo free it was unreal. Well when we came home mass was INCREDIBLE. To know that everyone up there was prasing for the same person. GOD. That night I felt invencible. I thought I could captuer the world. I was ready to take it on. I rode around till like early morning like from 2:00 AM till like 3:00 AM just looking at everything God created for us. Right now it is 6:30 PM and I am still dancing and I will never stop.
I want to thank EVERYONE eventhough u may not think you did anything for me, You did. If anyone is holding back, PLEASE don't. I regret it. I held back for 3 years and I am no longer holding out. If anyone wants to praise and worship I am always ready. Just call me. (937-4692) I hope everyone keeps this and I hope I do to. Thank y'all and GOD BLESS.
Pax et Bonum,
*Pax et Bonum- Peace and Goodness

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KrissieJason22:04:46 06/24/02 Mon
Re: Blessedapril22:10:31 06/24/02 Mon
Re: BlessedLenny22:45:42 06/24/02 Mon

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