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Subject: Simply Amazing!

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Date Posted: 09:04:33 06/25/02 Tue

What an amazing weekend! I know it was exactly what I needed, I had kind of drifted off, so I needed to be whipped back into shape! hehe! This weekend did exactly that! It was truly awesome! This is my second year going and every year it gets better and better and I see how much everyone is so incredibly moved! There are definitely no words to describe this! I heard lots of people saying that they didn't want to be there and were nervous about letting their guards down, but they all saw that the spirit just takes over you and you have no control! You are in the Lords hands ( and what an awesome place to be)! Last year whenever I went to Steubenville, I took a picture of everyone clapping and singing and raising their hands to the lord and everytime I showed this picture everyone would ask why in the world did you take this picture. My response was think about it, this is just the group from erath, but everyone in the collesium was doing this! And this year it was even better, I mean 5100 teens surrendering is amazing! Simply Amazing! I saw people get up and clap that I would have never expected to be doing that, but they open up a little and the lord went right in! I also caught a conversation between two males teens that I thought was sooooo Awesome! One said to his friend (who was nervous about adoration and had never attended Steubenville before) he was like bro just don't worry about it, he said man after tonight you just feel so awesome! I was thinking to myself WOW! It's very rare to hear to guys talking to each other like that and it was amazing because he was soooo serious and I knew God had touched him! I'm so glad to hear how fired up everyone is! The Lord definitely works in mysterious ways! and he is SIMPLY IRRESTIBLE!
Love ya lots,

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