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Subject: Go Vikings

Brody the book selling maniac
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Date Posted: 14:15:57 07/12/02 Fri

Hey everyone! Who misses me! I would definitely be missing me if I would be home. Ha Ha. Just kidding. I miss all of you soo much. The book selling is going really well. I'm on a roll so far today. I've been selling a lot of books this week but I think more importantly I'm being greatly blessed through all of the wonderfull people I'm meeting. I've been going to different churches depending on the area that I'm in and meeting some really cool priests but not as cool as Father Wayne of course.

Most of the people out here are Lutheran but there are some Catholics here and there. I hope that all of you realize how blessed our community is to have such an awesome Life Teen program. I haven't found a church out here yet that has any kind of youth group. There are small religious programs but there is really nothing for teenagers.

Many of you haven't gone very far from Erath and haven't experienced the way that people live in other places. We are so blessed. Many people out here especially farmers live stressful lives and are always praying for rain. I've had some trouble selling books in some places because people don't know how their corn and bean crops are going to turn out because of a lack of rain. Minnesota and South Dakota are not at all bad places to live. They're just different from any place I've ever been. Fortunately for me the people are very friendly which has been a huge blessing.

Anyways, just wanted to let you guys know what's on my mind. Anyone that reads this whether I know you or not can call me after 9:00 pm at night. My phone number is 344-1691. I have a long drive to my headquarters every night and it keeps me busy to talk on the phone so please call me. Don't call during the day though because i'm usually working. Your long lost and far away core member and friend

Brody Viator
It's a great day to be a BookMan baby!!!! God Bless!

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