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Subject: Everyone read---Concert Information!!!

Amy B.
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Date Posted: 13:41:44 07/23/02 Tue

Hey gang!

I went to a meeting this morning about the Third Day concert at the Cajundome... Here's what's up: Mark your calendar for October 5 at 7p.m. It is a Saturday night. Tickets go on sale on Aug. 3. Regular ticket prices are as follows: floor lever--$22, 1st level--$18, 2nd--$15, 3rd--$13. This is a great deal, folks! PLUS, the promotional company that is putting this on is ADDING an additional discount of $1.50 off of each ticket purchased in groups of 20 or more. PLUS, they will not charge the regular $3 service charge per ticket for this group rate. This is a super deal! Y'all--I am really excited about this.

Also performing will be The Paul Coleman Trio and a group called Tate-- the guy who formed it is Michael Tate from DC Talk... I'm sure you know who I am talking about. Anyway, I also wanted to tell y'all that they told us this morning that Third Day ranks #21 in the Top 50 Music Tours. #1 is Paul McKartney followed by NSYNC and other groups down the line... But the cool thing is that it is unheard of for a Christian music group to even make the list. It promises to be a great show!

Praise be to God!

Love y'all,

P.S. Email me if you have any questions.

P.S.S. I got a few promotional cd's and other goodies that we will be able to share.

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