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Date Posted: 21:08:59 12/25/01 Tue
Author: Mathew
Author Host/IP: user-11210sv.dsl.mindspring.com /
Subject: What's Going on?

For the three of you who actually read this message board, I figured I'd drop a little update...

Across the Street finished shooting this past thanksgiving. It came out pretty horrible. We shot it in one night as a backup plan when things fell through on Infidelity. I'm gonna finish editing it, and see how it looks when its all put together, before i decide what to do with it.

Stefanie was forced to drop out of Infidelity, due to education committments. Amanda has succumbed to my begging and agreed to play the role. She'll be great, and I look forward to shooting it with her sometime in early 2002.

Amanda and I are also working on a script for a short film called Enchantment Passing Through. Its my first attempt at a love story. Although the supernatural does play a small role in it. The first draft is finished and it's looking good so far.

Amanda has her own short film she's currently writing as well. Sorry, no details so far. Even I only have a slight idea of what its about. It sounds very interesting. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

Finally, There and Back Again. For those of you up in PA/NJ wondering when the hell you're gonna get a copy of this flick, it'll be soon. I'm happy with what I've got. There are a few things I really wanted to fix, but due to my VCR I am unable to. Rather then live with the few imperfections, I will be getting a DVD recorder, I will reedit the whole thing, record it to DVD, and then copy it to VHS tapes for all of you then. This will probably take another month or so. So, I will send a few copies of the flick "as is" to at least let you see its real and it exists, then when I get it the way I want it, I will copy it to tapes, so you can all have your own individual copies of the final version.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!........Mathew

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