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Eclipse Breeding Board

Breeding Board

Welcome to the Breeding Board! You will need to post your information as follows:

The female, also known as the Dam's information
The male, also known as the Sire's information

You are allowed to breed 10 horses (5 breedings) per week, and you will receive your horses exactly 1 week after you breed them. There is no cancelling a breeding after it has been started...Just like in real life, your mare is already pregnant.

It is usually best to breed horses of the same breed.
You shouldn't breed the same mare over and over so soon...it could cause some complications for her.

I am no longer charging $200 to breed your horses. Actually I haven't even been deducting it from your bank accounts; I had just forgotten to take down the price thing.

REMEMBER: You must own enough land for your new foals! If your barn is full, your newborn will be sent to the Shelter. If you buy the land before someone else buys the foal, you may purchase it from the Shelter Owner. In other words, please make sure you have enough land before you post your breedings.
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Subject Author Date
FIX P8 25 Downloadolyenevera01:36:32 03/31/14 Mon
Dota Bleach Vs One Piece 2.10ai.rarorlazeb21:58:44 03/30/14 Sun
Negative Crestine Gratis Resurse Crestine 1orlazeb21:58:01 03/30/14 Sun
A Lush Kiss Of Surrender Download Rarorlazeb21:57:19 03/30/14 Sun
Qtp 10 Crack.rarorlazeb21:56:16 03/30/14 Sun
Taken (2008)[Unrated]Extended Cut 720p BrRip X264 YIFYorlazeb21:55:08 03/30/14 Sun
Midtown Madness 2 Portable Full Versionforturag20:59:15 03/29/14 Sat
Playboy - September 2012 USA.isoforturag20:57:44 03/29/14 Sat
Miller's Antiques Checklist: Dolls And Teddy Bearscarolvicto19:54:09 03/19/14 Wed
Days Of Blood & Starlight (Daughter Of Smoke And Bone)carolvicto19:52:59 03/19/14 Wed
Ogami.OMR.1.3.with.Serialwininaj12:11:46 01/24/14 Fri
BreedingYarolala01:58:29 02/14/03 Fri
Breedings!Andrea494818:25:25 11/15/02 Fri
Breeding:)Acpadme16:19:59 11/15/02 Fri
BreedingYarolala23:57:19 11/07/02 Thu
Breedings!And some of the foals will be for sale!!Jennifer07:49:48 11/06/02 Wed
BREEDING!!!YAH!!!!!!!!!horsecrazzy18:18:25 11/07/02 Thu
How do I breed?moonlightrider16:37:49 11/11/02 Mon
RE:Breedingwildstallion34617:11:52 11/06/02 Wed
Breedingwildstallion34613:05:51 11/03/02 Sun
BreedingAndrea494816:10:58 11/04/02 Mon
Breeding!!!Sabri13:45:22 11/02/02 Sat
Breeding!!Sabri13:46:41 11/02/02 Sat
I haven't bred in a while!kBrEaCzAy09:11:06 11/03/02 Sun
My BreedingAnela20:35:02 11/03/02 Sun
BreedingsJtig13:45:03 11/02/02 Sat
Breeding the first colorado ranger horses!!! YAY!Andrea494812:54:09 11/01/02 Fri
Breedings!Andrea494809:05:24 11/02/02 Sat
Breeding! :-)kimikim235812:02:23 11/01/02 Fri
BreedingYarolala13:45:17 10/22/02 Tue
Breeding!Jennifer19:39:42 10/26/02 Sat
My BreedingAnela17:59:00 10/20/02 Sun
Breeding!!Sabri11:26:10 10/24/02 Thu
Breedings!Jennifer15:07:33 10/17/02 Thu
BreedingAndrea494812:35:57 10/24/02 Thu
Breedings! :-)Andrea494812:55:12 10/21/02 Mon
Breedingswaz_up200212:39:09 10/19/02 Sat
Buttermilk + ShilohBlaire15:13:24 10/01/02 Tue
Archives: 1234 ]

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