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Subject: Ok uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..............

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Date Posted: 18:32:35 11/13/02 Wed
In reply to: moonlightrider 's message, "How do I breed?" on 16:37:49 11/11/02 Mon

ok to breed horses the horses have to be 4 years of age and u must have a mare and a stallion...U can breed 10 horses per week and it doesn't matter if they are the same breed u can do crossbreeds.....to breed two horses post both horse's stats like this:

Name:(name of horse)
Age:(age of horse)
Points:(if they have any)

and u get the general idea u post both the mare and the stallion's stats and in a exactly a week ur foal will be born....u do not get to choose what ur foal looks like an sometimes it will be a day late or early and once in a while u might have some twins....U must name your new foal within one week or it might die.....U much choose a name carefully because some names such an Queen and Prancer have already been taken but u can put PrancerII or QueenIII also if u would like to breed with another person's horse then post on the sales,studs an broodmares board the name of the horses an the owner's anme an state that u would like to breed one of ur horses to this horses an if the owner says it's ok then u may breed with the horse BUT some people charge for u to breed with thier horses....in this case u mustgo to the buy/sell form an fill it out like so....

(seller's name)/(buyers name)

(ur eclipse password)

Amount spent
(stud or brood fee)

Items/horses purchased
(name of horse and say Queen's Broodmare fee)
((queen is only an example))

anywayz does that cover it?also u can post ur horse's stats on the stud board and put a price of what u want thier stud or brood fee to be an people will pay u to breed with ur horses!If u need anything else post here on the chat board ooor e-mail me at dcpeters02@hotmail.com

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