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Date Posted: 14:40:15 08/03/04 Tue
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Re: UBF & NAE Again
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "Re: UBF & NAE Again" on 13:17:38 08/03/04 Tue

Brain K is being so deceptive it is hard to convey the magnitude of his deceptions.

Here is a reasonable way to look at it. The key line is

"None of the allegations were proven to be true, but since no defense was given, UBF's membership was terminated in March, 2004. "

It has two major decptions in this one sentence. First, "None of the allegations were proven to be true". This is a lie. There were no allegations, there were facts presented. The numerous newspaper articles and the cult commissar's report are not allegations. Those articles were all published, and avaialble on the internet. There is no possibility that they are 'allegations', they are real factual documentation of ubf bad behavior.

Second, "but since no defense was given, UBF's membership was terminated in March, 2004." The deception here a kind of reverse deception. No defense was given, but this is the way ubf chose to avoid the inquiry by the NAE. NAE made overtures to ubf, wanting to know how these scandals and abuses could ahve happened, and is ubf really all aobut tis kind of scandal and bad behavior. The ubf response was to not give any kind of response. Legally, they could say they did not defend themselves, but they chose not to. It looks like they tried to undercut the NAE inquiry by ignoring it. When no response came from ubf, they were expelled. That is the whole story. (I also have had direct contact with Mr. Fisk)

The after effect is that ubf is making more false statements to the effect such as "NAE has many liberal organiztions in it" by Sara Bury. Also, they are now using the Bible by saying that Jesus did not answer his accusers.

Even this a decpetion because Jesus always answered his accusers except when he was ontrial to be slain fo rour sins. Also, the apostles always answered their detractros. Look at Paul, Peter, John, and others. They always answered their detractors. Adn they had nothing to hide.

The truth is ubf was playing possum when they were confronted about their abuses. But Brain K. is making a spin as if they did not hide to cover up their abuses.

ubf refused to respond when confronted with their abuses. Brain K. lied and said that ubf was a good NAE member but was expelled without any cause. Give it a rest, Brain. Even you know you are lying.

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  • Re: UBF & NAE Again -- former, 14:42:40 08/03/04 Tue

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