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Date Posted: 20:29:04 09/28/04 Tue
Author: Nick T.
Subject: ubf is defined by very corrupt leaders
In reply to: Wondering 's message, "Toledo Fellowship" on 16:07:31 09/28/04 Tue

Dear Wondering,

ubf is essentially a bunch of under-informed people who are being commanded around by a very corrupt leadership. These corrupt leaders love money, they love power, they love to be praised. They have very high ideas about themselves, and very low and gutterly ideas about all others.

Within the group at ubf you may come across a number of sincere and decent people. These people have no influence on the agenda or direction of ubf. These sincere and decent people are constantly manipulated by the very corrupt leadership untill almost all of them leave. These sincere and decent people give all they have to ubf, and do all they can to recruit others. They do this in ignorance.

If you are a sincere and decent person, then you are bound to suffer alot at ubf. If you are very corrupt and proud, you can become a leader at ubf.

Please find a healthy place to learn and practice your Christain faith. I recommend a Bible college has adult continuing education. Their teaching is usually very sound, and the cost is very low. There are also many good internet sites, one is at www.bereanbiblesociety.org.

ubf is a cult because the group is set up to give glory honor and praise to a group of very sinful people. At ubf Samuel Lee is held up as being the closest thing to God himself. In real life Lee was an extremely corrupt man. There are many definitions of what is a personality cult. Some define a personality cult as nothing more than a mini dictatorship. Thus ubf can be classified as a personality cult. Lee even revered such personality cult leaders as Ho Chi Minh, , Lenin, Stalin, Napoleon, and I remember when he spoke up in favor of Sadam way back in the day. I heard he also spoke up in support of the Taliban. I think Lee was well aware that ubf was his personality cult.

Also, I believe that ubf is a personality cult in the sense that being Korean is held up as being next to godliness. In reality, being Korean is no better or worse than being of any other race or ethnicity. Some personality cults are harmless. The ubf, in my opinion, is very dangerous and destructive. You would be best served by not having anything to do with ubf.

By the way, Brian did not even deny that he usually lies when he writes about ubf. He wants you to listen to him even when he lies to your face. Brian is to be pitied. Brian, I pity you.

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