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Date Posted: 11:32:59 10/11/04 Mon
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Brian ignores meaningful challenges to his posts

I gave Brian a very serious challenge. He did not respond to it but kept on responding to other posts. I feel he is selectively not responding to something that deserves a response. If you feel the same, please tell him.

I would like to restate my challenge, and would like anyone who agrees wtih this challenge to make their agreement known. Here was my challenge:

I want to give Brian a golden opportunity to showcase the ubf doctrine. Why doesn't Brian type up the ubf doctrine and post it here, or e-mail it to someone here in Chicago? We will then submit that to a panel of professors at the Moody Bible Institute. They are men of integrity and knowledge. They have no axe to grind against ubf. We won't even tell them which group's doctrine it is. And we let them make their analysis.

How about it Brian? Can you step up to the challenge?

What can he lose by trying to step up to the challenge?

I foresee several serious setbacks for his ubf defending if he did take up the challenge.

It may be revealed very clearly that ubf has no doctrine.

It may be revealed very clearly that ubf never had any doctrine, thought they claim to be Presbyterian in background. Presb. teach the Westminister Confessions. They are vast and very comprehensive, they are real doctrine. It is required that adult members of the Pres. church study the Confessions.

It may be revealed very clearly that ubf study materials are just awful, not even close to being legitimate Bible study guides.

It may be revealed that Brain is using deceptive communication techniques on this board in regards to doctrine and many other aspects of ubf.

It may be revealed that Brian may be engaging in nonstop false witnessing about a whole range of subjects regarding ubf.

For these reasons, I expect Brian to make an excuse not to accept the challenge. Would anyone else like to see Brian take up the challenge in defense of ubf doctrine? If so, please write your request here for him. God bless you all.

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