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Date Posted: 21:20:31 10/15/04 Fri
Author: Shane
Subject: Re: Systematic Obedience Training
In reply to: PECAS 's message, "Re: Systematic Obedience Training" on 19:09:05 10/15/04 Fri

>Do you have a testimony about your experiences in LA
There are some postings that describe my experience in UBF. I was an easy target for cult recruitment. I was new to the area, alone with no family. I came from a broken dysfunctional family and was looking for love in a family environment. I went through the love bombing stage for about 1-2 years. Then the control and manipulation started to grow. Finally in 1997 I felt so suffocated by UBF that I just had to leave.

After the love bombing stage UBF is a miserable place to be. Why? Because UBF has turned Jesus into a Moses. They take every example of Jesus and turn it into a rule or a law. And if you don't keep that rule or law you are "unspiritual" or "disobediant" or "easy-going". How can one be happy living under such a yoke of slavery? UBF Koreans totally miss the intent of Jesus. Moses brought the law, but Jesus brought "grace and truth".

PECAS, there are so many things wrong with UBF it takes many threads and countless posts to describe them all. But I don't worry about it, UBF is in decline and their fruit is so rotten it is not fit for dogs. I pity them


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