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Date Posted: 16:02:57 10/20/04 Wed
Author: Desiree S. Ray
Subject: Re: Director of House Church Development???
In reply to: anon 's message, "Director of House Church Development???" on 12:11:20 10/20/04 Wed

Hi. I would like to know what legal qualification P. Hong has to marry folks in Toledo UBF??!!

From the beginning of UBF "Work" in the USA, it was my clear understanding that ALL couples were to go to a Justice of the Peace to be married in the eyes of USA law.

I recall several women from Toledo who were married off in Chicago, then they had to go (after the honeymoon) to the JP to make it legal.

Interesting, when you think about it. The reality was in the beginning that all couples were married by Samuel Lee, and then all Americans involved had to go with their spouses to get remarried in the courthouse.

What does this say about UBF?

1. UBF is NOT considered to be a real church with real pastors, in the eyes of the USA law (that ALL American's should be abiding by) UBF (as an organization) was pretending to be a recognized legal religious body, but in fact they were not approved by other churches or American law.

Please note that all churches in the USA require the intending couple to produce a certificate of marriage to be signed by the pastor, but there is no requirement by USA law, for every couple to marry twice. (This only occurs when the actual organization is NOT recognized as legal.)

Personal example, the church my husband and I attend, has a Bishop who is nominated by the congregation to serve, every 4 years or so. Even though the Bishop is chosen by the congregation it is legal for him to assume the duties of preforming marriages as well as marriage counseling. He goes through an series of educational classes for this, as well as going to a review board to make sure all church doctrine and rules are strictly followed. The church sanctifies the Pastor's authority and supports this during his tenure. The church is recognized by USA law, so is the Pastor. The Pastor is NOT exempt from following USA law in every form, and if he violates the law, he would be dismissed from his calling as Pastor. (That includes personal conduct with the congregation, his own family and all legal requirements, even finances.)

2. Consider the arrogance of UBF leader's who have conducted many marriages. Let's have a show of hands. How many of you out there were married in UBF then, went to a JP after the honeymoon?

Does that mean that these so called "marriages of faith" were consumated in sin? In my opinion, I guess so.

Certainly, Samuel C. Lee and his partners in crime, took advantage of the tender hearts of those who were eager to be "serving God" by "marriage by faith".

Pretty disgusting!

The whole "marriage by faith" game in UBF is an emotional abuse. I thank God for those who have managed to survive it.

Desiree S. Ray

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