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Date Posted: 16:36:08 10/27/04 Wed
Author: PECAS
Subject: Re: SOT & the centrality of man in UBF
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "Re: SOT & the centrality of man in UBF" on 15:36:46 10/27/04 Wed

>I think the ubf leaders in these remote chapters can
>tell you that not having a guinea pig type person to
>lead the parade is their biggest concern. Once they
>can get one person to obey them, it seems to make it
>quite a bit eaiser for others to follow. In the small
>chapters, there is no environment to attract new
>people. There is no environment to assert isolation
>and peer pressure. There is nobody to use against us
>in reward an punishment scenarios.


This is why raising an "ancestor of faith" in so important to pioneering missionaires. An ancestor of faith is supposed to provide that example for others to follow. When new sheep come to worship services and testimony sharings and are uncertain about UBF, the missionaries can point to the ancestor of faith. The missionaries might say, "Look at this shepherd. Two years ago, he was a new sheep and did not understand "God's mission" in UBF. Now, he is growing as a disciple of Jesus; faithfully writing testimonies, fishing, feeding sheep, presiding, and praying to marry by faith. The missionaries might even add how the ancestor used to be selfish, proud, and rebellious man filled with much anger and bitterness. But after they bore with him for many years, he has grown to be a faithful campus shepherd filled with joy to serve God's mission by any means. The ancestor of faith might even be "encouraged" in testimonies and messages to mention how blessed he is to have such "loving, sacrificial, suffering" missionaries to have bore with and trained him to become a campus shepherd who will accept the direction of his chapter director with great joy and thankfulness The missionaries hope that new sheep will accept that if the ancestor of faith is filled with joy to be trained and serve in UBF, maybe they will also be filled with joy.
I think that pioneering UBF chapters work most diligently to raise up this ancestor of faith. Once the ancestor of faith is raised, there is a coworker to help indoctrinate new members.

In Christ,


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