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Date Posted: 17:07:55 11/01/04 Mon
Author: Shane
Subject: Re: why another ubfKorean?
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "why another ubfKorean?" on 10:08:33 11/01/04 Mon

Clearly the UBF leadership has become old, stodgy and stale. They remind me of the old crusty politburo of the Soviet Union in the 1980's. Remember when one Soviet leader kept dying after another. Maybe they could dig up ol Sammy Lee and prop him up like "Weekend at Bernies". But why do that when you have numerous Sammy wannabees.

>There are enough yes-men here already. What about ubf
>American yes-men like Ron Ward, Mark Vuce, Kevin A.,
>Brain Karcher, Teddy H., maybe Damon L. and Ban Toh
>and a few others? They can sing the party song just
>as well as John Jun. John Jun is already old and
>almost feeble. How can Jun lead what ubfins are
>describing as their dynamic and explosive ministry?
>Any thoughts? To me it seems like a dubious group
>like the ubf is built around perpetuating the corrupt
>and controlling leadership, but have naive young
>people around to make it look like the group is not so
>dubious. As always, this group ubf has maintained the
>most dubious at the very top.
>Our American yes-men are just not quite dubious
>enough. But they sure are trying. Some of them made
>it on the list.

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