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Date Posted: 15:45:33 10/11/04 Mon
Author: UBFree/Shane Cain
Subject: Re: request for more info
In reply to: Joe 's message, "Re: request for more info" on 14:06:48 10/11/04 Mon


John Kwon was/is Isaac Kim's second in command. He was very zealous in advocating UBF ideology and culture. I beleive that he had a genuine christian conversion but that he was born again into the UBF ideology and thus knows nothing other then UBF. This does not excuse faulty doctrine but helps put him and his doctrine in context. I appreciated his zeal for God but could not agree with his rigid adhearance to UBF doctrine.

The conversation that I posted was had during a time of upheavel in the LA UBF, when many of the long time AMerican "shepherds" began to question the UBF doctrine and practices. Again, his take at the time, was that your shepherd had the role of God in your life. NOT that your shepherd was God, but he had all the authority of God in your life.

During this time another "shepherd" raised the issue of "Being led by the Holy Spirit". Could you be led by the Holy Spirit apart from your shepherd? He thought that this was an immature attitude towards scripture and "shepherding".

Now, I have not talked to John Kwon in 7 years. It is possible that he has changed his position on such matters, but I rather doubt it.


>>I have another question for Brian Karcher. This
>>question deals with point 3 of Tom's original post in
>>this thread.
>>My "Shepherd", missionary John Kwon of the LA ubf once
>>said to me. "Obey me like you Obey God." Do you
>>believe that this is a biblical command?
>UBFree, could you provide some more background for
>this? Kwon's command stands as unbiblical on its face
>and mirrors experiences that I and others also have
>had with our UBF "shepherds". But I'd like to know
>what might have motivated Kwon to say this, what his
>tone and attitude was when he said it, what you said
>or did in response.

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