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Date Posted: 11:40:21 10/19/04 Tue
Author: Joe
Subject: UBF is the patient
In reply to: former 's message, "Small Sample of Brian's Evasions, Strawmen...etc" on 10:56:32 10/19/04 Tue

>"I know that there are those who were wounded through
>experience in UBF ministry. These people need to
>with whomever they have a problem with, and make peace
>Evasion 3: Karcher puts the responsibility and proof
>of burden entirely upon the individual and denies the
>need to corporately address the abuse. This too is
>nonsense. The UBF board of directors is legally
>responsible for what goes in UBF before God and men.
>They must initiate an investigation.

It should be apparent to all that UBF is the patient here, not UBF's victims, most of whom manage to move on well with their lives, carrying scars with them. The kind of denial that we have seen continually and recently from UBF over the years just ensures that UBF, the patient, will not get better.

>By the way, where are these people? Do they want the
>here on this forum to be speaking about their private
>lives or to be speaking for them?
>Selective evidence 1 combined with red herring and
>change the subject: Despite the fact that there are
>numerous first hand credible accounts of abuse in UBF,
>Karcher relegates them to being hearsay. Again he
>blames the witnesses, and he switches the topic to
>being concerned about the "victims" even though the
>"victims" are the ones who made their testimonies

These victims of spiritual and other kinds of abuse in UBF have voluntarily and bravely made their testimonies available on the Internet, where they knew they would become the subjects of discussion, sympathy and the usual UBF spin and blame projection. Many of the victims have spoken for themselves here, quite vocally. If UBF defenders want to question the testimonies of the former members, they know where they can find them or contact them, and these former members would willingly speak for themselves and answer their questions. (Personally, not one UBF leader or defender has contacted me directly to question anything I've written.)

But when we have attempted to get UBF leaders to speak for themselves, what response have we gotten?

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  • Re: wrong done on both sides -- Joe, 11:56:44 10/19/04 Tue

  • Re: wrong done on both sides -- PECAS, 12:41:57 10/19/04 Tue

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