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Date Posted: 11:54:04 10/19/04 Tue
Author: Nick T.
Subject: still lying after all these years
In reply to: Brian Karcher 's message, "Re: article" on 11:31:46 10/19/04 Tue

The paragraph directly above Baghdad Brian's quote reads

"In summary, negations and ambiguity are an important part of deceptive communication. In general attempts are made to ensure that everyday communication is as clear and understood as possible in the least effortful, time consuming way, in contrast deceptive communication relies on effortful, confusing and time consuming means of conveying a false message. Truth and validity have been implicated in the discussion so far but the final section explicitly focuses on how these concepts are involved in both types of communication."

In general people communicate without purposeful deception, but there can still be misunderstandings. But I don't think that is what the author is saying. This word "construed" basically means to analyze. What the author is saying is that due to common errors in the context of communication, such as the receiver not understanding exactly what the sender is saying, then all communication can possibly be interpreted as decpetive. But as we know, not all communication is deceptive. When your mother tells you, 'I love you', there is probably not any deception.

To me, Brian is again trying to confuse us by making it look like the article says that ALL communication IS deceptive. That is why he quoted the lines that left out the words about negations and ambiguity.

Baghdad Brain is again using a sophisticated form of decpetive communication to say that you shouldn't believe anything anyone tells you. Go over any of Brian's responses, you will see patterns of willful deception going on.

Please read the article and you will be amazed how it describes Baghdad Brina's communications. This man is engaging in high level deceptive communications. That's all folks.

Brian, go away. You said your dramatic goodbye, just leave. We will continue to discuss ubf and your deceptions on this website. Just go away.

article is here


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