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Date Posted: 19:38:10 10/22/04 Fri
Author: Tony B.
Subject: Re: Obeying your Shepherd like God
In reply to: Brian Karcher 's message, "Re: Obeying your Shepherd like God" on 16:13:10 10/20/04 Wed

>>If Paul Hong came to you and gave you a command to
>>order another member in the UBF to shave off their
>>mustache, would you obey such a directive?
>Yes, unless there was a clear reason not to.

Hi Brian. What would a clear reason be for someone to shave their moustache? While I was in UBF, I was scolded for having long hair and a beard. When I didn't clean up, I was told that I had a demon. I asked for the Biblical basis of this idea and was told that "long hair is a woman's glory." What a woman's hair has to do with how a man keeps his is beyond me, but I fell for the twisting of this Bible verse and obeyed my "shepherd." UBF has a funny way of focusing on a person's outward appearance. I know firsthand that men are looked down upon if they wear facial hair. Once I brought up that Jesus himself probably kept a beard and was scolded as being rebellious and told that I didn't understand spiritual matters. Once, when I was not clean shaven for a friday night meeting, I was rebuked and ordered to shave with an old, electric razor. The blades moved very slow because it was on the verge of dying. Because of this, the hairs were basically pulled from my face instead of cut. It was painful, and I admit that I somehow felt righteous by obeying and experiencing some pain because I dared to show up at a meeting with a 5 o clock shadow. But why is it that you think UBF would focus so much on a trivial thing?

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