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Date Posted: 23:35:27 07/28/04 Wed
Author: Sorry
Subject: Re: Ishmaels
In reply to: Sol 's message, "Ishmaels" on 12:23:42 07/28/04 Wed

Dear Sol, again, I am sorry about what you have suffered because of false, ungodly UBF teaching/counsel. (you probably already did this), but I wanted to suggest that you apologize to your child for everything, explain what you did was wrong, but that you didn't know any better at that time and that now you understand it was wrong. Don't give up hope; God definitely can restore and redeem your relationship with your child. Also, I wanted to suggest listening to a program called Walk in the Word; if you're in Chicago they are on 90.1 FM from 1:00-1:25pm, monday-friday-- they have good, sound Bible teaching and some really good counselors at their church (Harvest Bible Chapel) if you would like any support.

>Hi Sol. I am so sorry about your suffering. Do you
>>mind if I ask why they told you to give up your child?
>>what reason did they give you? and who told you to do
>>it? if these questions are too painful and you don't
>>want to answer, that's ok.
>>Thank you.
>>Mry Sam Lee always cited Abraham giving up Hagar's
>child Ishmael as precident for abandoning one's child.
>My child was raised with one struggling christian and
>a Godless relative. Center moved me out and married me
>off to a khhhhoworker who was abusive to me and my
>child in his own ways. At that time center was praying
>for entry to Russia and I was gung ho and the
>relatives watching my child would have none of that
>for the child. At CBF my child wass punched repeatedly
>by korean missionary children. I was laughed off for
>getting upset at this by the korean missionary saying
>thats the way children are. Any one with little
>"Ishmaels" should leave while they can. I see my child
>sporatically and there is some healing but what can I
>say? What dare I say about God to my confused, hurt
>>>>I was asked to give my child up, and unfortunately
>>>did, thinking ubf could do no wrong. Now think of the
>>>affect on the unwanted children, what would you
>>>their relationship to God be, except that they are
>>>unwanted. Being raised outside of God and according
>>>ubf's exile has produced bad fruit. Don't blame the
>>>children, blame the uncaring attitude of ubf. My
>>>is grown, beautiful and brilliant, but with a
>>>attitude of christianity. Seriously what would you
>>>expect? They are denying God's children who have a
>>>unique need, and for what? What is their point?
>>>>of describing how ubf destroyed normal relationships
>>>>and also prhoibited the families from having any
>>>>of healthy life whatsoever. These are the very
>>>>which must be broadcast about ubf. These are the
>>>>reason ubf is a destructive cult, they destroy
>>>>and families and relationships. Then they replace
>>>>them with sick, dependent relationships which
>>>>ubfleaders use to abuse all the recruits.
>>>>Shame on you PChang Bonn.

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