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Date Posted: 16:43:10 10/25/04 Mon
Author: Chris
Subject: Example from John 10
In reply to:
Brother in Christ
's message, "Re: New thread on doctrine" on 09:23:05 10/25/04 Mon
Quote from a message on John 10:12 delivered by Moses Yoon of London UBF.
Second, Jesus is the good shepherd because he has a strong sense of responsibility. Look at verse 12. "'The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep.'" Why do shepherds toil and labour for the sheep? Because a shepherd owns the sheep. A person who has a sense of ownership loves what he owns. A strong sense of ownership (i.e., responsibility) does not mean control. It means love. Self-centred and possessive ownership is destructive. But a healthy sense of ownership is very constructive. Who owns London UBF? Each of us owns this ministry. We pray for UCL because we love it as our spiritual vineyard. For the last 8 years, we have been praying for this nation that God may make it a holy nation. Why? Because we love this country and we have a healthy and strong sense of responsibility for this country. The sense of ownership grows as we come to know the love of God more. Ultimately, this world is Jesus' pasture. This is God's world. So we love to pray and take care of the whole world with a strong sense of responsibility.
I think Mr. Moses Yoon has a reason to password protect his site.
The message on John 10 shows that UBF applies the theme of Jesus the good shepherd to us immediately, and it literally says that "a shepherd owns the sheep." Of course, in the next sentences he tries to soften this again saying that he doesn't mean "possesive ownership" but that's a contradiction in itself. Either the shepherd "owns" the sheep or not. UBF believes the shepherd owns the sheep, not Jesus owns the sheep. They also believe they own the ministry, not Jesus. (Compare this with the teaching that Jesus is the head and bridgegroom and the church is the bride of Jesus - pretty different from UBF's concept that the church belongs to themselves. Actually he only tried to appear modest, in reality he thinks the churchs is owned by the leader.)
Please compare this UBF message with one of Spurgeon's messages (e.g. this or this one). Spurgeon says:
Other lords have their portion, and Christ takes his portion. His people are his inheritance. He speaks of "my sheep" as a special heritage, whom, as a shepherd, he claims for his own. Of these he is the sole Owner. He is not merely their Custodian, but their Owner. We read of the hireling or mercenary shepherd, "whose doesn't own the sheep"; but in the case of our good Shepherd, "he brought out his own [sheep]."
The main problem is that UBF always applies John 10 to us (we shall be "good shepherds"), whereas in reality it is all about Jesus, about nobody else! It is not directly transferable to shepherds (elders) in the church. They do not own the sheep. And it is completely clear from the text that we should focus on Jesus and his ministry when we preach that passage, not on us and our ministry. Jesus said "I am the good shepherd. And he said to Peter, "Feed my sheep."
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Qualities of an elder -- Chris, 17:11:20 10/25/04 Mon
True reason why Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo -- Chris, 18:26:07 10/25/04 Mon
Re: Qualities of an elder -- Brother in Christ, 12:24:54 10/26/04 Tue
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